
  • 网络Spot foreign exchange transactions;spot transaction;Spot Exchange Transaction
  1. 规则还允许银行持有“贷款、即期外汇交易和大宗商品”头寸。

    They also allow " positions in loans , spot foreign exchange or commodities " .

  2. 即期外汇交易越来越流行,各种金融公司不断为小客户提供交易的便利。

    Lately foreign exchange day trading has become increasingly popular and various firms offer trading facilities to the small investor .

  3. 非银行金融机构符合以下条件的,可以向交易中心申请会员资格,进入银行间即期外汇市场交易。

    Non-banking financial institutions meeting the following criteria can apply for membership at the Center and , if approved , deal with proprietary transactions in the foreign exchange spot market .