
  1. 即选入的元稹诗歌数量和所占比重都没有白居易大。

    Bai Juyi took up more proportions of the quantity and selected poetry .

  2. 话语的巨大作用,决定了教育和课本该说什么和怎么说,也即选什么知识和怎样编选知识的课本编写的基本问题。

    The discourse determining the education and textbook what to say and how to say , and the foundation of chose what and how to compile the main body of textbooks .

  3. 这种非此即彼的认识,其实是对唐人说法所作的窄化即二选一的处理。

    This either-or understanding , in fact , is a Chinese saying that the second election by a narrow processing .

  4. 教学材料,也即所选诗歌应根据学生的动机,背景知识及语言知识水平,难易适中。

    Teaching materials or the selection of poems should be graded with regard to learners ' motivation , background knowledge and language level .

  5. 具体从对外汉字教材的整体内容选取的各个方面,即从选字、课文编写、练习编写及汉字知识这些角度来详细讨论每个步骤的编写过程中应遵循的原则。

    This paper discusses the compiling and writing principals of Chinese character textbook in detail . It starts from various aspects of content selection , such as character selection , text and exercise compiling , knowledge of characters and so on .

  6. 要想改变这种局面,金融在支持民营经济发展的过程中必须要有全新的思路,即要选准新支点、创造新模式、重构新体系、推出新品种、抢占新市场。

    In order to change this situation , we need new thoughts on the financial support to our private economy & to select a new pivot , to create a new mode , to establish a new system , to launch new products and to occupy new markets .

  7. 本文介绍了一种小电流系统单相故障接地选线的新方法即遥感式选线装置的原理及应用。

    This paper introduces principle and application of a new method circuit selection for small current system when single phase grounding failure happens , namely remote sensing circuit selection device .

  8. 簇头选择时,遵循保护最低能量节点的原则,即要求所选簇头尽量靠近剩余能量最低的节点。

    While selecting the cluster head , the principle of protecting the lowest energy node should be followed , the selected cluster head should be as close as the lowest energy node .

  9. 此时即会存储所选的调低幅度。

    The selected degree of lowering has now been stored .

  10. 面试内容形式有两种类型,即上课和三选二回答问题。

    The interview includes two forms , namely : " giving a class " and " the three choose two " answer the question .