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  • improvisation
  1. 整体瑜伽是传统瑜伽体系的即兴创作。

    Purna Yoga is an improvisation of the traditional systems of Yoga .

  2. 即兴创作;即席演奏爵士乐的另外一个重要因素就是即兴创作。

    improvisation The other key aspect of jazz is improvisation .

  3. 我认为说书人的艺术在于拿到故事后进行的即兴创作。

    I think that the art of a storyteller is to take the story and improvise on it .

  4. 克洛即兴创作,并且叫假装她已经有小汽车麻烦的加布里埃尔。

    Chloe improvises , and calls Gabriel pretending she has had car troubles .

  5. 三.:v.即兴创作,即兴表演,临时准备动词improvise:同义词:improvize,ad-lib,extemporize,extemporise同义词:extemporize【例句用法】演员要是忘记台词,那就只好即兴现编。

    Improvising . improvise 1.perform without preparation 2.manage in a makeshift way ; do with whatever is at hand 1.If an actor forget his word , he have to improvise .

  6. 首先,贝多芬在即兴创作上绝对是一个天才。

    For one thing , Beethoven was an absolute genius at improvisation .

  7. 文学电视片拍摄中的即兴创作

    The Extempore Creation in the Process of Shooting a TV Literary Program

  8. 至于在集体即兴创作方法的使用上则存在着微妙的变化。

    But the method of collective improvisation is changing .

  9. 他在足球赛中为校歌即兴创作歌词。

    Heimprovised a new stanza form the school song at the football game .

  10. 爵士乐的另外一个重要因素就是即兴创作。

    The other key aspect of jazz is improvisation .

  11. 他们的大部分音乐作品都是即兴创作的。

    Most of their music was spontaneous improvisation .

  12. 它是激情迸发的即兴创作。哟!

    It was the improvisation of the ebullition .

  13. 新颖性,即兴创作,自我表达和致盲灵感不是新古典主义的美德。

    Novelty , improvisation , self-expression , and blinding inspiration are not neoclassical virtues .

  14. 简释申克的即兴创作概念&肖邦《波洛涅兹幻想曲》个案分析

    Elucidating the Notion of Improvisation of Schenck

  15. 16到18世纪的意大利喜剧,根据程式化的情景和角色即兴创作而成。

    Italian comedy of the 16th to 18th centuries improvised from standardized situations and stock characters .

  16. 即兴创作一支歌曲比即兴创作一部交响曲要简单得多。

    It is much easier to improvise a song than it is to improvise a symphony .

  17. 他的即兴创作使整个维也纳感到惊讶。

    His improvisations amazed all Vienna .

  18. 没有九宫格,也没有模版,被试者即兴创作的是密画,而非密码。

    No grid , no template : the subjects improvised a pass-doodle , rather than a password .

  19. 我忘了要带演讲稿,所以只得即兴创作。

    I forget to bring the words of my speech , so I just had to improvise .

  20. 四腔的唱词与其它三大腔的唱词都有固定传承的,也有即兴创作的。

    The lyrics of the Four Chamber have fixed tradition and improvisation as well as three other chambers .

  21. 首先你要精通这些基本功,然后忘掉它们……恭喜你,你已经可以即兴创作了。

    First you master the fundamentals . Then you get to forget about ' em. You 're improvising .

  22. 你可以参加一个即兴创作,这将带来新的局面&你会看到这可能的!

    You may take a class in improvisation and it may open up new vistas-you see the possibilities here !

  23. 凯斯·杰瑞被公认为是最具创造性的音乐家之一,被称作即兴创作天才。

    Well-known as one of the most creative musicians , Keith Jarrett is considered as a genius of improvisation .

  24. 佩里有即兴创作的才智,以至于剧本写作者经常将他的插科打诨写到剧本里去。

    Perry ∝ s wit is so legendary that the scriptwriters have often incorporated his gags into the show .

  25. 在形式上,埃里森创造性地运用了诸如即兴创作、重复演奏、和声应答等多种布鲁斯技巧。

    In form , Ellison makes creative use of blues techniques , such as improvisation , riffing , and call-and-response .

  26. 在我来说,即兴创作的有趣之处,在于可让不同的音乐领域碰头,两者倒不一定要相容。

    What is interesting in improvisation for me is the mix of musical universes , that are not necessarily compatible .

  27. 他说,在早年间,诗歌是冰岛社交聚会不可或缺的组成部分,经常是即兴创作的。

    In earlier times , verses were an integral part of social gatherings and were often improvised , he said .

  28. 我有幸能同时被赐予唱歌、弹钢琴、即兴创作和说唱的才能。

    I am blessed to be able to sing , play piano , improvise , and scat at the same time .

  29. 总之,那一天,她为了我即兴创作了一部时髦生活的小说。

    In short , a volume of a novel of fashionable life was that day improvised by her for my benefit .

  30. 这些音乐都是即兴创作,而在我即兴演奏这些音乐所感受的情绪则非言语能够形容。

    This music is all created spontaneously , and the emotion I feel when I play this way is deeper than words .