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  • feminization
  1. 睾丸女性化综合征2例,核型为46,XY;

    Testicular Feminization Syndrome 2 cases , 46 , XY ;

  2. 目的:探讨睾丸女性化(TFM)综合征发病的分子机理。

    Objective : To further study the molecular mechanism of testicular feminization ( TFM ) syndrome .

  3. 她把他变成女性化而又实际化。

    She made him both soft and materialistic .

  4. 流性人也许经常会觉得自己是两种传统性别的混合体,但有时觉得自己更男性化,有时又觉得自己更女性化。

    A person who is Gender Fluid may always feel like a mix of the two traditional genders , but may feel more boy some days , and more girl other days .

  5. “公爵夫人效应”似乎还不仅仅限于凯特的穿衣品味对经济的影响,整个时尚圈都在其影响下变得更加明快,比我们过去所知的时尚圈多了更多色彩、更加女性化,也更加优雅。

    The Duchess Effect appears to extend much further than the economic impact of Kate 's fashion choices ; this year the fashion landscape seems to be a brighter , more accessible place with the styles more colorful , feminine and graceful than we 've observed in many years .

  6. Mike和我,还有无数的男孩和男人们,从这个女性化的“我的小马世界”里学到了什么呢?

    And what are Mike and myself and millions of other boys and men learning in this feminine , sissified world of " My Little Pony ? "

  7. 赛琳娜·戈麦斯非常爱她这只极具女性化的MCM复古圆筒包。这只包完美的搭配她精致,完整(依然年轻)的风格。

    Selena Gomez loves her ultra-ladylike MCM Heritage bowler bag , which perfectly complements her polished , pulled-together ( yet still-youthful ) style .

  8. 目前,使用最普遍的性别角色类型划分是由Bem提出的,他将其划分为男性化、女性化、双性化和未分化。

    At present , the most common roles types are classified by Bern , he classified them as masculine , feminine , double gender and undifferentiated .

  9. 通常将性别角色划分为四个类型:男性化、女性化、双性化、未分化,双性化(Androgyny)是近年来被公认为理想的性别角色。

    Generally sex roles are divided into four categories , which are masculinity , femininity , undifferentiated , and androgyny . Androgyny was recognized as the perfect sex-role identity in recent years .

  10. 结果:在12例性分化异常患者中,有7例核型为46,XY,SRY(+),其中1例为睾丸女性化综合征。说明性腺病理有睾丸与外周血SRY相符。

    Results : Among the 12 cases in abnormalities of sexual differentiation and development , 7 cases were the blood karyotype of 46 , XY , blood SRY positive , one of 7 presented the testicular feminization syndrome .

  11. 非洲艾滋病的女性化可能是如博茨瓦纳那样将艾滋病项目与性健康和生殖健康项目组合实施的唯一最重要的原因,Lule说。

    The feminization of the epidemic in Africa may be the single most important reason to link HIV / AIDS and sexual and reproductive health programs , as Botswana is doing , says Lule .

  12. 它很柔软,女性化,她的比例是完美的。

    It 's soft and feminine and she is perfectly proportional .

  13. 一个女性化公司的表现是否会优于多样化公司?

    Will a feminised company perform better than a diversified one ?

  14. 后现代西方男装的女性化设计

    Post Modernist Feminized Design of Man 's Wear in the West

  15. 避免女性化的装饰品,打褶,束带或半活褶。

    Avoid feminine adornments , pleating , stretch , or darts .

  16. 这就是她的感觉,轻盈、温暖、女性化。

    That 's how she felt Light and warm and feminine .

  17. 第一,别要求她女性化。

    First , don 't ask her to be feminine .

  18. 《百合花》中女性化的神圣情怀浅析

    An Analytical Study of the Holy Feminine Sensibility in Lily

  19. 女性化的。这个字多给人负面的感觉你为什么要穿这么娘娘腔的衣服?

    girly ( a. ) Why do you wear such girly clothes ?

  20. 女人越来越男性化,而男人越来越女性化。

    Women become more man-like and men become more female .

  21. 她是非常女性化的,性感的,但绝不会主动。

    She is feminine , sensuous and would never take the lead .

  22. 设计心理与轿车造型女性化设计的研究

    Design Target and Feminine Style of the Automobile 's Model

  23. 女子,或是女性化的男人,才是人类主体的最佳代表。

    The woman or feminized man represents the human subject par excellence .

  24. 管理层女性化似乎可以保护公司免受金融危机的影响。

    Feminisation of management seems to protect against financial crisis .

  25. 我想的更多的是,也许女权主义存在着一些女性化

    the more I thought there might be something feminine about feminism .

  26. 因为要显得很女性化-是有意减重还是

    Because It was so feminine . - On purpose or no ?

  27. 资本主义的温室&各个商学院也正在迅速“女性化”。

    Business schools , those hothouses of capitalism , are feminising fast .

  28. 我们正走向一个更干净、更柔软、更女性化和更感性的方向。

    We 're moving into a cleaner , softer , lady-like sensibility .

  29. 有点天真或许还有点女性化

    a little corny , maybe even a little femme ,

  30. 性别言语及思维的哲学起源&精神地理学链条上的精神女性化

    Philosophical Origin of Gender Language and Thinking & Psychic Femininity in Psychic Geology