
yīng tóu
  • Eagle's head;goshawk head
  1. 雌人鱼、鹰头狮身怪兽和龙都是怪物。

    Mermaids , griffins and dragons are monsters .

  2. 她们很快就碰见了一只鹰头狮,正晒着太阳睡觉呢。

    They very soon came upon a Gryphon , lying fast asleep in the sun .

  3. “再交换龙虾!”鹰头狮用最高的嗓门嚷叫。

    ' Change lobster 's again ! 'yelled the Gryphon at the top of its voice .

  4. 鹰头狮严肃地说。

    The Gryphon replied very solemnly .

  5. 鹰头狮接着说:“让我们听听关于你的故事吧。”

    And the Gryphon added ' Come , let 's hear some of YOUR adventures . '

  6. “站起来背《那是懒蛋的声音》。”鹰头狮说。

    ' Stand up and repeat " 'TIS THE VOICE OF THE SLUGGARD ," 'said the Gryphon .

  7. 他看看鹰头狮,好像鹰头狮对爱丽丝有什么权威似的。

    He looked at the Gryphon as if he thought it had some kind of authority over Alice .

  8. 鹰头狮惊奇地举起了爪子说:你没听说过丑法!

    The Gryphon lifted up both its paws in surprise , ` What ! Never heard of uglifying ! '

  9. 啊,你唱,鹰头狮说,我忘了歌词了。

    ' Oh , YOU sing , ' said the Gryphon . ' I 've forgotten the words . '

  10. “这同我小时候背的完全不一样。”鹰头狮说。

    ' That 's different from what I used to say when I was a child , 'said the Gryphon .

  11. 鹰头狮继续说,或者,你愿意听素甲鱼给你唱支歌吗?

    The Gryphon went on . ` Or would you like the Mock Turtle to sing you a song ? '

  12. 先讲故事,后解释。鹰头狮不耐烦地说,解释太耽误功夫了。

    The adventures first , ' said the Gryphon in an impatient tone : ` explanations take such a dreadful time . '

  13. “背第二节,”鹰头狮不耐烦地说,“开头是‘我经过她的花园’。”

    Go on with the next verse , 'the Gryphon repeated impatiently : 'it begins " I passed by his garden . "

  14. 鹰头翼狮醒来了,迷迷糊糊地对爱丽丝说,“只是说说而已,你该知道。他们从不真的砍谁的脑袋。”

    The Gryphon woke up , and said sleepily to Alice , " It 's just talk , you know.They never execute anybody . "

  15. 这位年轻小姐希望听听你的经历。鹰头狮对票甲鱼说,她真的这么希望。

    ' This here young lady , ' said the Gryphon , ' she wants for to know your history , she do . '

  16. 鹰头狮叫道,它拉住了爱丽丝的手,也不等那支歌唱完,急忙跑了。

    Cried the Gryphon , and , taking Alice by the hand , it hurried off , without waiting for the end of the song .

  17. “你最好停下来吧!”鹰头狮说。爱丽丝实在太愿意了,于是停了下来。

    ' Yes , I think you 'd better leave off , 'said the Gryphon : and Alice was only too glad to do so .

  18. 我还得检查我的命令执行得怎样了。她说罢就走了,把爱丽丝留在鹰头狮那儿。

    I must go back and see after some executions I have ordered ' ; and she walked off , leaving Alice alone with the Gryphon .

  19. 最后,鹰头狮对素甲鱼说:“别介意了,老伙计,继续讲下去吧。”

    At last the Gryphon said to the Mock Turtle , ' Drive on , old fellow ! Don 't be all day about it ! '

  20. 太阳神古埃及的太阳神,是最高神祗,被描绘为一鹰头男子,冠以一太阳圆盘和蛇盔。

    The ancient Egyptian sun god , the supreme deity represented as a man with the head of a hawk crowned with a solar disk and uraeus .

  21. 您告诉她每经历过一次化疗,就有可能乘上鹰头马身有翼兽飞跃湖泊。

    You taught her that for every chemo she has to go through , there will be the opportunity to fly across a lake on a hippogriff .

  22. 咱们来跳跳第一节吧,素甲鱼对鹰头狮说道,你知道,咱们没有龙虾也行。

    ` Come , let 's try the first figure ! 'said the Mock Turtle to the Gryphon . ` We can do without lobsters , you know .

  23. 告诉她这是什么缘故。它对鹰头狮说。简言之,那是因为空气污染的缘故。

    ` Tell her about the reason and all that , ' he said to the Gryphon . To put it simply , that 's because of air pollution .

  24. “好像他嗓子里卡了根骨头。”鹰头狮说。于是就摇它和拍它的背。

    Same as if he had a bone in his throat , ' said the Gryphon : and it set to work shaking him and punching him in the back .

  25. 鹰头狮低声回答:他们在记下姓名,怕在审判结束前忘掉。

    ' They 're putting down their names , ' the Gryphon whispered in reply , ' for fear they should forget them before the end of the trial . '

  26. 最初,因为荷鲁斯被描绘成是一个鹰或猎鹰头的神,罗马人从而引进了这个鹰头的神,作为鹰的标志它也被引入基督教。

    Originally , because Horus was depicted as a hawk or a falcon-headed god , the Romans turned Horus into an eagle-headed god and the eagle symbol was transferred to Christianity .

  27. 当爱丽丝和鹰头翼狮赶到时,红桃国王和王后正坐在宝座上。那儿有一大群鸟儿和动物,还有所有的纸牌。

    The King and Queen of Hearts were sitting on their thrones when Alice and the Gryphon arrived.There was a great crowd of birds and animals , and all the pack of cards .

  28. 鹰头狮惊奇地举起了爪子说:“你没听说过丑法!我想,你知道什么叫美法吧!”

    The Gryphon lifted up both its paws in surprise . ' What ! Never heard of uglifying ! ' it exclaimed . ' You know what to beautify is , I suppose ? '

  29. 他们在海边发现了充海龟。充海龟旁边是鹰头翼狮,它正晒太阳睡觉呢。王后快步走开了,说“我还得去执行那些死刑呢。”

    They found the Mock Turtle down by the sea.Next to him was a Gryphon , asleep in the sun.Then the Queen hurried away , saying , " I have to get on with some executions . "

  30. 她们很快就碰见了一只鹰头狮,正晒着太阳睡觉呢(要是你不知道什么是鹰头狮,你可以看看画)。

    They very soon came upon a Gryphon , lying fast asleep in the sun . ( IF you don 't know what a Gryphon is , look at the picture . ) ' Up , lazy thing ! '