
  • 网络Ninox scutulata;Brown Hawk Owl;Hawk Owl
  1. 这位冒险者在赫尔辛基北部的苏拉湖冰冷的湖水中发现了这只北鹰鸮。

    The Northern Hawk Owl was found in the coldwaters of Lake Tuusula , just north of Helsinki .

  2. 北鹰鸮得名则是因为它们的外表和行为都与老鹰相似,并且多出现在北美、西伯利亚以及斯堪的纳维亚半岛北部。

    Its name hails from a similarity inappearance and behaviour to hawks and can be found in North America and across Siberia and northern Scandinavia .

  3. 北鹰鸮(或者叫猛鴞)与大部分的猫头鹰爱在夜间活动不同,它们在白天比较活跃。

    Northern Hawk Owl , or Surnia ulula , differs from a majority of owls as it is not nocturnal , i.e. it is active during the day .

  4. 过去15年在该校开展的研究发现,北大校园内共存活着300种不同动物和470种不同植物,其中包括金雕、褐鹰鸮、东方角鸮等濒危动物。

    Research at the university for the past 15 years has determined there are 300 different species of animals and 470 different varieties of plants living on the campus , including endangered animals such as Golden Eagles , Ninox Scutulata and Otus Sunia .