
  • 网络rhizomys sinensis;Rnizomys sinehsis;Rhizomys Simesis Gray;Chinese Bamboo Rat Rhizomys sinensis
  1. 人工驯养的中华竹鼠与野生竹鼠几种微量元素的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Several Trace Elements of Domestic and Wild Rhizomys

  2. 不同因素对中华竹鼠繁殖性能的影响

    Effect of Different Factors on the Reproductive Performance of Rhizomys

  3. 中华竹鼠与甘肃鼢鼠咀嚼肌结构和功能的比较

    A comparison of structure and function on masticatory apparatus between Chinese bamboo rat and common Chinese zokors