
yīng pài
  • the hawk
鹰派[yīng pài]
  1. 而且正如汤普森自己所说,他的书名《鹰派和鸽派》稍微有些容易让人产生误解。

    And , as Mr Thompson himself points out , his book 's title ," The Hawk and the Dove ", is slightly misleading .

  2. 帝国检查员轻率行为立即得到了鹰派成员的肯定。

    The imperial censor 's indiscreet conducts was countenanced by the hawk immediately .

  3. 鹰派和鸽派都充分阐明了各自的停战条件。

    Both hawks and doves have expanded their conditions for ending the war .

  4. 他是新内阁中鹰派色彩最浓的成员之一。

    He is one of the most hawkish members of the new cabinet .

  5. 党内鸽派和鹰派在策略上似乎将要出现明显的分歧。

    A clear split over tactics appears to be emerging between doves and hawks in the party .

  6. 与会的鹰派和鸽派成员都有发表意见的机会。

    Both hawks and doves had their say at the meeting .

  7. 他是个主张增加国防军费的铁杆鹰派分子。

    He is a hard-beaked hawk on defence spending .

  8. 在第一天,我的僚属们的意见是令人吃惊的鹰派意见。

    My staff 's advice that first day was amazingly hawkish .

  9. 鹰派可能给出的一种解释是,实际gdp增速被低估了。

    One possible , hawkish , interpretation could be that real GDP growth has been underestimated .

  10. 美国前任驻联合国大使约翰博尔顿(johnbolton)的批评十分尖锐,他是布什时期的主要鹰派人士。

    John Bolton , former US ambassador to the United Nations , a leading Bush-era hawk , was scathing .

  11. 但直到最近,鹰派才在FOMC中占据了上风。

    But until very recently the hawks have not been in control of the committee .

  12. 尽管韦伯通常生性鹰派,但他明确表示,几乎可以肯定,欧洲央行(ECB)几乎肯定要进一步下调处于历史低位的利率。

    In spite of his usually hawkish instincts , Mr Weber made clear European Central Bank interest rates would almost certainly have to be cut further from the current record low .

  13. 美国副总统迪克切尼(dickcheney)是打击伊拉克的最热衷倡导者之一,在伊朗问题上,他也是一位主要的鹰派人士。

    Dick Cheney , the US vice-president , was one of the most enthusiastic advocates for an attack on Iraq and is also a leading hawk on Iran .

  14. 但该组织表示,此项战略可能不适于负债水平较高的国家。IMF由此加入了支持刺激政策的美国政府与欧洲赤字鹰派之间的争论。

    But this strategy may not work for countries with high levels of debt , the fund said , weighing into a debate that has divided the pro-stimulus US administration and deficit hawks in Europe .

  15. 野村证券(Nomura)经济学家尼克•马修斯(NickMatthews)表示:这个结果削弱了欧洲央行鹰派人士的论点的说服力,他们认为现有政策措施的力度够了。

    Nick Matthews , economist at Nomura , said : The result reduces the strength of the ECB hawks ' argument that existing policy measures are enough .

  16. 鉴于失业率的下滑以及通胀粘性,鹰派人物对出台更多定量宽松政策(qe)失去热情的事实已在人们的意料之中。

    The fact that the Hawks have lost enthusiasm for more quantitative easing is scarcely surprising , given the fall in unemployment , and the stickiness of inflation .

  17. 比如说,近期欧元兑日元汇率升值,一些货币鹰派人物认为,这就是日本央行(boj)操纵货币的证据。

    Take the recent appreciation of the euro against the yen , which some monetary hawks see as proof of currency manipulation by the Bank of Japan .

  18. 将自己描述为“政治斗士”的安倍,选择了一个主要由保守人士组成的内阁,并让鹰派人物麻生太郎(taroaso)留任外交大臣一职。

    Mr Abe , who describes himself as " a politician who fights " , has chosen a cabinet dominated by conservatives and kept the hawkish Taro Aso in his previous post as foreign minister .

  19. 南卡罗来纳州共和党参议员、国防事务鹰派人士林塞格雷厄姆(lindseygraham)昨日表示,他倾向于不支持自己这位前参议院同僚,因为哈格尔对以色列抱“敌视”态度。

    Lindsey Graham , a Republican senator from South Carolina and a defence hawk , said yesterday he was inclined not to support his former Senate colleague because of his " antagonistic " attitude to Israel .

  20. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)经济学家发布的一份报告认为,即将到来的、受到鹰派欢迎的美国政府紧缩开支潮,将令央行鸽派人士长期占据上风&时间上可能持续至本十年的后半段。

    Alas No. a report issued by economists at Goldman Sachs argues that a coming wave of government belt-tightening , hailed by hawks everywhere , will actually keep central bank doves in control for a long stretch & perhaps well into the second half of this decade .

  21. 日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan)是财政政策方面的鹰派人物,曾警告日本可能成为下一个希腊。此前他对采取大胆的经济刺激措施态度犹豫,担心进一步加重日本的债务负担。

    Naoto Kan , the prime minister and a fiscal hawk who has warned that Japan could become the next Greece , has been hesitant to adopt bold stimulus measures for fear of pushing the nation further into debt .

  22. 虽然他自称为赤字鹰派人物,但却没有支持辛普森-鲍尔斯(Simpson-Bowles)赤字削减委员会的报告,而他还是该委员会的成员。

    While positioning himself as a deficit hawk , he failed to embrace the report of the Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction commission , on which he sat.

  23. 在外交和战略方面,与外在感情象征相反,安倍晋三与其鹰派外相麻生太郎(taroaso)继续着他们前任的工作,在与中国打交道时至少像前辈一样强硬。

    When it comes to diplomacy and strategy , as opposed to emotional symbolism , Mr Abe and Taro Aso , his hawkish foreign minister , have continued the work of their predecessors and are at least as robust in their approach to China .

  24. 通胀鹰派担心印钞导致通胀失控。

    Inflation hawks fear that money printing leads to runaway inflation .

  25. 他的助手们显然担心他的鹰派色彩太浓了。

    His aides evidently feared that he had been too hawkish .

  26. 最近,美联储的表态大多来自鹰派的地方行长。

    Of late , fedspeak has come largely from hawkish regional governors .

  27. 鹰派竭力主张对挑战采取强有力的回击。

    The Hawks are pressing for a vigorous response to the challenge .

  28. 鹰派主战分子赢得大选,便对外宣战。

    The hawks won the election and war was declared .

  29. 有些人在越南问题上是鸽派,在伊朗问题上是鹰派。

    Some were doves on Vietnam and hawks on Iran .

  30. 鹰派的视角则截然不同。

    The Hawks , by contrast , see the world quite differently .