- 名memorial to the emperor ;general name for various memorials and petitions to the emperor

(1) [memorialize the emperor]∶臣子向帝王上书陈述事情,议论是非
(2) [memorial to the throne]∶奏章
Studying on an Article Style Which Petitioned to the Emperor - Since the 1980s
Left behind book of Su Bao Zheng memorialize the Emperor of filial piety .
Meanwhile , official document is a particular literature form , it is subjected to all kinds of literature factors .
The literatis ' historical review in memorials has three characteristics : strong moral supremacy tendency ; dense utilitarianism color ; deep suffering consciousness .
A Comparative Study Upon the Proposals About the New Ruling Mongolian between Mongolian and Man-Han Princes ; ADDRESS TO THE PREPARATORY MEETING OF THE NEW POLITICAL CONSULTATIVE CONFERENCE
The third part is also divided into two parts . According to the emphasis of the second part , this part portrays the law-making and modifying procedure on tea region , and studies the different effects by the memorials from the distinction of officials in respect of official position .