
zòu yuè
  • play music;strike up a tune
奏乐 [zòu yuè]
  • [play music;perform on a musical instrument;strike up a tune] 演奏乐曲

  1. 欢迎仪式显得热闹非凡,有乐队奏乐,鞭炮礼花齐鸣。

    The welcome ceremony appears extremely busy , has the orchestra to play music , the firecrackers fireworks sound together .

  2. 每个星期他们都聚在一起唱歌奏乐。

    Every week they get together to make music .

  3. 乐队开始奏乐,骑手们列队绕场行进。

    The band struck up , and riders paraded round the ring .

  4. 主人出门后,正好这时有邻里人家在奏乐,这个仆人很想去听,不能安心地看守房子。

    After the master had left , the servant heard someone playing music in the neighborhood . Unable to restrain himself , he wanted to go there and listen .

  5. 于是他便用绳索把门系在驴背上,赶着驴来到奏乐的地方,去听音乐演奏。

    Feeling ill at ease , he roped the gate onto the donkey 's back and made it carry the gate all the way to the site of the show .

  6. 一切都很好,直到酒会的时候,当乐队停止奏乐,让DJ放音乐。

    Everything went fine until the reception , when the band stopped playing to give the DJ a turn .

  7. 为此,本文总结并探讨了在BASIC、PASCAL、C和FoxPro这四种语言中让计算机发声、奏乐以及输出彩色文本的方法及应用实例。

    Thus , methods of how to program with sound and color in the four languages Basic , Pascal , C and Foxpro are discussed and several application examples are also given in this paper .

  8. 我们奏乐把新娘新郎迎进新房。

    We played the bride and bridegroom into the bridal chamber .

  9. 他能召来天使的竖琴为他奏乐。

    He could turn on the harps of the blessed .

  10. 贵宾走进时,乐队开始奏乐。

    The band struck up as the distinguished guests entered .

  11. 乐队奏乐迎接市长和市长夫人入内。

    The band played in the mayor and his wife .

  12. 做演员必须会奏乐,能歌善舞,

    He had to dance , and sing , and play music .

  13. 乐队奏乐欢迎演员登台。

    The band played the performers onto the stage .

  14. 最后,从纽约市来的乐队开始奏乐。

    Finally a band from New York struck up .

  15. 奏乐后他们开始行进。

    Play a band and they begin to march .

  16. 乐队正在奏乐迎宾。

    The band were playing in the guests .

  17. 新颖笔记本,独具一套奏乐用键盘。

    Innovative notebook comes with integrated musical keyboard .

  18. 你那样大声奏乐我怎么进行工作呀?

    How can I deal with my work when you play that loud music ?

  19. 他们奏乐把宾客迎进餐厅。

    They played the guests into the dining-hall .

  20. 你们闲逸地弹琴奏乐,又为自己制造乐器,像大卫一样。

    You strum away on your harps like David and improvise on musical instruments .

  21. 当总统在纪念花园献花圈时,军乐队开始奏乐。

    A military band played as the president placed a wreath on the memorial garden .

  22. 小提琴奏乐的悦耳调子

    The sweet tones of a violin

  23. 微机后台奏乐系统

    The Background Playing System on Microcomputers

  24. 他们奏乐引导人们进场。

    They played the people in .

  25. 他,向星星奏乐的人,正拿着他的横笛,站在你的窗边。

    He who plays his music to the stars is standing at your window with his flute .

  26. 桑迪:瞧,那儿有个乐队,他们要奏乐了。

    Sandy : Look ! There 's a band . They 're going to play some music .

  27. 大自然和我们心情紧密相连:笑的时候,跟着一起笑,哭的时候,跟着一起哭。开心快乐的时候,我们会发现鸟儿在歌唱,森林和小溪在奏乐;

    The nature takes on our moods : she laughs with those who laugh and weeps with those who .

  28. 这种关系日积月累,直至在奏乐与牵手期间开始交谈,并且每天下午共同乘公交。

    The relationship amounted to talking during band and holding hands between our lockers and getting on the bus each afternoon .

  29. 在宴会中,我负责奏乐,我也尽力了。

    It was my part at this feast to play upon my instrument , and I have done all I could .

  30. 乐队奏乐欢迎演员登台.他会演奏长笛;你能使这台老录音机演奏起来吗。

    The band played the performers onto the stage . He plays the flute ; Can you play on this old recorder ?