
chuān kǒnɡ zhǐ dài
  • punched tape
  1. 穿孔纸带到磁带的转换器

    Punched tape to magnetic tape converter

  2. 根据本文所介绍的方法,已编制成ALGOL&60语言程序,并由计算机自动输出穿孔纸带。

    A routine is made by using ALGOL-60 according to the methods presented and the punched tape is delivered from a computer automatically .

  3. 用来表示穿孔纸带上的数据的一种代码。

    A code used to represent data on punch tape .

  4. 重穿程序-检验穿孔纸带的绝热耐火砖比重和真气孔率测定方法

    Duplicate routine testing method for specific gravity and true porosity of insulating fire bricks

  5. GB/T1990-1980信息处理交换用穿孔纸带孔的尺寸与位置

    The dimension and position of the holes of perforated paper tape for information processing exchange

  6. 不使用穿孔纸带的自动的电子化数据处理。

    Automatic data processing by electronic means without the use of tabulating cards or punched tapes .

  7. 带图解的零件的目录表穿孔纸带图像传输系统

    Illustrated parts catalog bartlane picture transmission

  8. 一种能产生穿孔纸带并在纸带边缘打印字符的电传打字接收机。

    A teletypewriter receiver that produces perforated tape with characters along the edge of the tape .

  9. 自从计算机诞生以来,人机交互技术历经了穿孔纸带、批处理、联机终端、多媒体用户界面等诸多阶段。

    Since the birth of computers , Human-Computer Interaction ( HCI ) techniques have been passing through the perforated paper tape , batch , on-line terminals , and multimedia user interface .

  10. 大中孔凿岩爆破计算机辅助设计软件开发与研究纸带穿孔器纸带凿孔机

    Development of Software for Large / Moderate Diameter Blasthole Drilling and Blasting CAD

  11. 纸带穿孔器纸带凿孔机GB/T6247-1986凿岩机械与气动工具名词术语

    Terminology of rock drilling machines and pneumatic tools

  12. 纸带穿孔器纸带凿孔机计算机化锈花穿孔机

    Computerized embroidery punching machine

  13. 一种转发场所,那里的操作员将收到的打印或穿孔的纸带撕下,人工地将纸带转送到适当的发送电路,发送出去。

    A location where operators tear off incoming printed and punched paper tape and transfer it manually to the proper outgoing circuit .

  14. 它依赖于穿孔卡片和纸带而且还使用廉价的磁盘存储(总量为1MB)。

    It relied on punched cards and paper tape but also used inexpensive disk storage ( 1MB total ) .

  15. 在穿孔卡片或纸带上穿孔的一种动作。

    A perforation , as in a punched card or paper tape .

  16. 自动地将编码电信号变换为纸带上的穿孔的任何纸带穿孔机。

    Any tape punch that automatically converts coded electrical signals into perforation in tape .

  17. 读出就是从穿孔长片或纸带上提取代码信息。

    " Reading " is taking the coded information from punched cards or paper tape .

  18. 穿孔卡:依照固定模式打孔,作为代码,贮存和阅读资料的卡。自动地将编码电信号变换为纸带上的穿孔的任何纸带穿孔机。

    Punch card : Card punched with a pattern of holes encoding data for storage and reading .

  19. 与底部只终止的组分将包装与终止面对在穿孔的载体纸带的后盖磁带或者洞的底部在压印的载体磁带。

    Components with bottom-only terminations shall be packaged with the terminations facing the bottom cover tape in punched carrier tapes , or the bottom of the cavity in embossed carrier tape .

  20. 可在其上按一定模式穿孔的一种纸带。

    A tape in which hole patterns can be punched .

  21. 一种数据介质,在其内或其上从未记录过数据。例如,未用过的纸,没有穿孔的打孔用纸带。

    A data medium in or on which data have never been recorded , e. g. , paper that is unmarked ; punch tape that has no holes .

  22. 带穿孔带的字词处理设备;带穿孔纸带的字词处理设备

    Word processing equipment with punched tape