
  1. 文章介绍了5.12震后援建的四川省广元市青川县骑马乡里坪村小学,记录了从一个穿斗式小破庙到一栋两层半小学校的整个过程。

    This article introduces the whole rebuilding process of a two and a half storey school after the5.12 earthquake in LIPING village of QIMA town in GUANGYUAN city of SICHUAN province .

  2. 官式建筑的产生和秦汉以来高等级建筑采用井干式与多层木楼阁有关,并受到穿斗式的影响。

    The beginning of public structures was related to the well framed construction method of the high class multi-storied wood structures after the Qin-Han era and influenced by the through-jointed frame method .