
  1. 你会采取某种行为、选择某种穿搭或摆出某些态度来让自己被同龄人接纳。

    You will adopt a certain type of behavior , dress , or attitude in order to be accepted as part of a group of your " peers " .

  2. 简约穿搭风(normcore)是一种低调的难以归类的穿衣风格。它传递的理念是融入,而非突出。

    Normcore is an understated , nondescript style .

  3. 她送给我一件夏威夷本土风格的衬衣,我爱不释手为了跟这件衬衣搭配,我立刻买了好几件其他的穿搭

    She gave me a Hawaiian shirt that I loved so much that soon I bought several others to go with it

  4. 如今,《时尚先生》(Esquire)、《男人装》(FHM)、《绅士季刊》(CQ)则给读者提供了夏洛克风格的绅士范穿搭指南。

    More recently , Esquire , FHM , and GQ have advised readers on how to get the Sherlock look .

  5. 霉霉最厉害的穿搭单品当属那双法奥斯托·普吉立斯(FaustoPuglisi)的豹纹靴。

    And the best part of her outfit has to be the Fausto Puglisi leopard print boots she 's wearing .

  6. 将成套西服拆开来穿搭(“brokensuit”)的想法逐渐盛行:灰色裤子配蓝色夹克、或者是上衣与裤子的颜色深浅与纹路稍有差别。女性则干脆把“brokensuit”直呼为单件装。

    And the idea of the " broken suit " - what women , less melodramatically , call " separates " - has come to the fore : grey trousers with a blue jacket , or perhaps a subtle difference in shade or texture between top and bottom .

  7. 在时尚穿搭方面你一直是我的导师

    When it comes to fashion , you are my guru .

  8. 也有人每天花一整个小时去精心穿搭衣服。

    Some people spend 1 hour every day to dress themselves .

  9. 然而,注意你上衣的穿搭方式。

    However , pay attention to the way you tuck the blouse .

  10. 大面积反绒皮革的穿搭更是尽显奢华。

    Rich suede offers wearers a luxurious feel .

  11. 这并不是母女两人第一次展现完美穿搭风。

    It 's not the first time the pair have worn perfectly complimenting outfits ;

  12. 一件易于穿搭的衬衫连衣裙能弥补所有身形的不足,因其具有完美的修身选择。

    An easy-to-wear shirt dress can complement all shapes , thanks to its many universally-flattering fit options .

  13. 你想知道她们是怎么做到如此穿搭的,却又不知其中确切原由。

    You wonder how they dress so well but you can 't quite pinpoint the exact reasons why .

  14. 粉丝们都迫不及待地去模仿梅根的私服穿搭,从而引起了一次购物狂潮。

    And fans are desperate to emulate Meghan 's off-duty look have caused a shopping frenzy , with her

  15. 最终她选择了一件印着淡淡玫瑰花的上衣和白色亚麻短裤,这样穿搭让她看上去就像是覆盆子冰激凌一样。

    She finally chose a pale rose top and white linen shorts combo that made her look like a raspberry sundae .

  16. 确保你下装的长度足以盖住屁股,这样你的穿搭会显得更加得体。

    Make sure that the bottom is long enough to hide your butt so that it will make you look decent .

  17. 穿搭建议:反绒皮革防水衣或是条纹A字裙都是上选。

    How to wear it : You can choose to wear a suede trench coat or A-line dresses with stripes in suede textures .

  18. 在过去20年间,维多利亚·贝克汉姆从默默无闻成长为超级巨星,她的许多穿搭造型都深入人心。

    Over the two decades that have seen her shoot from obscurity to superstardom , Victoria Beckham 's countless sartorial choices have been well documented .

  19. 它是拯救我们穿搭的单品,是生活的安慰剂,是不论条件是否允许,我们都想每天穿着的单品。

    Jeans are our go-to item , life 's comfort blanket , the one item we would wear every day if we could and do wear even when we can 't.

  20. 不喜欢穿碎花、搭雪纺的淑女装扮,那就选择年轻活力的休闲装扮吧。

    Do not like to wear , take the ladies chiffon dress , then select recreational dressed young vibrant bar .