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  • Leggings;Pants;Render pants
  1. 和女性穿的传统打底裤不同,男士打底裤是专门根据男性体形设计的。

    Unlike traditional leggings , which are typically worn by women , ' meggings ' are designed for the male physique .

  2. 一家计划面向大众生产男士打底裤的新公司称,男士打底裤即将成为主流服装。

    A new trend for male leggings , known as meggings , is about to hit the mainstream1 according to a new company which plans to make them accessible for all .

  3. 到目前为止只有T台模特或摇滚明星才穿这种超紧男士打底裤,不过这家公司计划在商业街开始出售这种裤子。

    Until now the super-tight trousers have been confined to the runway or worn only by rock stars but the company plans to launch them on the high street .

  4. 如今Gap旗下的同名品牌Gap以及老海军品牌也开始销售更多的打底裤和慢跑裤。

    Gap 's namesake and Old Navy brands are also including more leggings and jogger pants .

  5. 这位孕妇最近也出现在伦敦的切尔西附近的Gap店里买打底裤。

    The mother-to-be was also recently spotted in London 's Chelsea neighborhood shopping for jeggings at the Gap .

  6. 蕾哈娜全身打扮很是抢眼,上身穿着一件MiuMiu品牌的橘色棉服,下衬黑色的打底裤,脚上穿着匡威帆布鞋。她从车上下来后走了几步就进了贝西体育馆的后台区域。

    Rihanna was an eye-catcher in a Miu Miu quilted orange coat , black leggings and Converse trainers as she strolled the short distance from car to backstage area .

  7. Jeggings(牛仔样式打底紧身裤)指看上去像紧身牛仔裤风格的打底裤,jeggings这个词就是jeans(牛仔裤)和leggings(打底紧身裤)两个词的合成词。

    Jeggings are leggings which are styled to look like tight denim jeans , it is the blending of the word " jeans " with the word " leggings " .

  8. 对,这就是jeggings。Jeggings(牛仔样式打底紧身裤)指看上去像紧身牛仔裤风格的打底裤,jeggings这个词就是jeans(牛仔裤)和leggings(打底紧身裤)两个词的合成词。

    Jeggings are leggings which are styled to look like tight denim jeans , it is the blending of the word " jeans " with the word " leggings . "

  9. 是时候把你的紧身打底裤收拾好放在一边了。

    It 's time to put your super tight leggings to rest .

  10. 你不能说服我接受打底裤也是裤子

    You can 't convince me that leggings are pants .

  11. 甚至连打底裤都被牵连进了这场争论。

    Even leggings have been pulled into the fray .

  12. 休闲随意有层次感的牛仔打底裤绝对吸引回头率。

    Casual , layered jeggings are a guaranteed head-turner .

  13. 你可以用系带靴、军靴搭配打底裤或紧身牛仔裤,时髦立现。

    Any lace-up or combat-inspired boots paired with your leggings or skinny jeans will be trendy .

  14. 宽松的马海毛毛衣与打底裤是绝配,为女士们打造出纤细苗条的休闲范儿。

    Loose mohair sweaters go well with leggings , giving women a slender and leisurely look .

  15. 而对于紧身裤和打底裤,图解上打了一个大大的红叉,被定义为不合格校服。

    Tight trousers or leggings / jeggings are not allowed and are covered with big red crosses .

  16. 或许在冷天缩在沙发上吃夹心软糖的时候你会偷偷在毛毯下穿一条牛仔打底裤。

    You probably own a hidden pair of jeggings you wear underneath your Snuggie on cold nights on the couch while eating bonbons .

  17. 26%的人认为还应该禁止在办公室穿雪地靴,23%的人希望打底裤也被请出办公室。

    UGG boots should be banned from the office too , according to 26 percent , and 23 percent want leggings shown the door .

  18. 由于天气还是比较寒冷,这位20个月大的七公主裹着蓝色的打底裤,红色的棉风衣配一双红色的运动鞋。

    With the temperatures still freezing , the 20-month-old was wrapped up warm in blue leggings , a quilted red hooded jacket and matching velcro trainers .

  19. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,专家警告称打底裤会使肌肉“变懒”,导致腹部松弛、双腿站不稳。这一说法无疑会让衣柜里塞满各种打底裤的女士们惊恐万分。

    Experts warn that some leggings can make muscles " lazy ", which can result in flabby stomachs and wobbly legs , the Daily Mail of London reported .

  20. 她身穿一身看上去像校服的衣服,在一件褪色的围裙里面有一件绿色的衬衫,与灰色的打底裤和磨损的皮靴搭配。

    The actress wore what looked much like a school uniform , with a faded green pinafore over a green shirt , teamed with ripped grey tights and scuffed leather boots .

  21. 而非取代所有的衣服。在Storq的网站上,弹性莫代尔单品――半身裙、连身裙、打底裤、背心――可以分开购买,也可以以195美元的价格购买整套。

    Storq 's stretchy modal pieces-skirt , dress , leggings , tank top-can be purchased separately , or as a complete set for $ 195 , on the brand 's website .

  22. 照片显示这位29岁的歌手穿着短裙、黑色打底裤、牛津鞋和一件外套,她的头发向后束了起来,当时是一个周四的晚上,她正从录音棚出来。

    Photos show the 29-year-old donning a skirt , black leggings , oxfords and coat , with her hair pulled back in a scrunchie , exiting the studio on Thursday evening .

  23. 田媛媛是中国第一网络名模。她在淘宝上为商家推广从紧身打底裤到兔毛手袋等商品,从而获得了这一称呼。

    Tian Yuan Yuan is China ` s top Internet model , a title she earned by promoting products from skin-tight leggings to rabbit fur bags through online shopping site Taobao Marketplace .

  24. 迷你裙配打底裤看起来会比较清爽,同时还能解决暴露过多和皮肤难看等问题,但打底裤会营造出随意的感觉,可能会和比较正式的办公室等场合不相配。

    Leggings under a mini can look fresh while solving myriad ills from the over-reveal to unsightly skin . But they lend a casual attitude that may clash with formal offices or occasions .