
  • 网络size degradation
  1. 他打小就只能坐轮椅。

    He had been confined to a wheelchair since childhood .

  2. 吉尔说女人不能保守秘密。这话从他这样一个整天打小报告的人嘴里说出来真是太荒谬了。

    Gil says that women can 't keep secrets . That 's rich , coming from him , the professional sneak .

  3. 我打小就一直住在这里。

    I have been living here since my childhood .

  4. 我们打小就是好伙伴。

    We 've been pals since childhood .

  5. 长颈鹿和大象被吓坏了,它们看着狮子问它:“狮子,你为什么要打小白兔呢?它只是想要帮助我们大家啊!”

    As the giraffe and elephant watch in horror , they look at him and ask , " Lion , why did you do this ? He was merely trying to help us all ! "

  6. 骑士似乎将尝试打勒布朗、乐福和TT的大个阵容,但如果改打小阵容则会有更多选择。

    The Cavs will likely try to stay big and play Love , LeBron , and Thompson together , but they 'll have more options if they go small .

  7. 在福克兰群岛(falklands)战争中取得胜利之后,我们一度以为自己的民族非常擅长打小规模战争,但最近在伊拉克和阿富汗的经验却让英国人对军事行动敬而远之。

    We thought we were rather good at fighting small wars , following success in the Falklands , but more recent experience in Iraq and Afghanistan has turned Britain sour on military adventures .

  8. 我并没有坚持要一个很酷的角色,不过我认为曼达洛人也许是让人们最为好奇的死硬分子,“Favreau说,”我打小就是一个星战迷。

    I wasn 't holding out for a cool character , but I think the Mandalorians are probably the ones that the die-hards are going to be the most curious about ," says Favreau . " I grew up a fan of Star Wars .

  9. 你稍微不慎说了一点不适宜的话,会有人打小报告。

    Speak out of turn , and an informer reports you .

  10. 我同意赫塞尔廷的说法:做园丁应该打小开始。

    I agree with Heseltine that gardeners ought to start early .

  11. 打小就认定他不会真正的幸福…

    grew up believing that he 'd never truly be happy ...

  12. 噢,我们打小就是朋友。

    Oh , we 've been best friends since we were kids .

  13. 他打小就抓鱼,我还不知道他竟有这么大的能耐。

    I didn 't know he could fish this well .

  14. 赵宇晨打小就对昆虫感兴趣。

    Zhao first became interested in insects as a child .

  15. 马克:打小就没试过。

    Mark : Not since I was a kid .

  16. 我猜你要去老师那里打小报告了。

    I suppose you 'll go sneaking to teacher .

  17. 一些学生说,那是因为美国人打小就开始讲英语;

    Some students'answer is that the American people speak English after their birth .

  18. 杰克打小时候起就一直喜欢火车。

    Jack has loved trains ever since his boyhood .

  19. 她喜欢背地里说同事的坏话,还经常打小报告。

    She likes to run down her colleagues and often informs secretly on them .

  20. 他正设法打小满贯呢!

    He 's working on a small slam !

  21. 闭嘴,打小时候开始,难道你从来没有想象过自己那一份完美的爱情么?

    Oh , shut up ! As a kid , did you never dream your perfect love ?

  22. 没有比迷你网球(打小场)更能提升触球(网球停留在拍线上)的手感。

    There is no better way to develop feel for the tennis ball on your racquet strings than mini-tennis .

  23. 这是指当你做错了事,就会向上级打小报告的人。

    It is a type of person who would tell your boss on you if you did something wrong .

  24. 葛丽泰·洛维萨·格斯塔夫森出生在斯德哥尔摩贫民区,嘉宝打小就讨厌学校生活,喜欢跟朋友一起演戏。

    Born in the slums of Stockholm , Greta Lovisa Gustafsson hated school and preferred imaginative playacting with her chums .

  25. 同时,辽宁省运会组委会为防止出现“以大打小、冒名顶替”等行为,也出台了一系列政策措施。

    And the organizing committee of the games issues a series of measures to cope with cheating actions in the competitions .

  26. 我打小的时候,便听说接着长夏而来的会是更漫长的冬季。

    When I was a boy , it was said that a long summer always meant a long winter to come .

  27. 每件事都利弊相联,不论是在美国打小联盟还是在欧洲打球。

    Everything has it 's pro and cons , I mean playing in the minor leagues in the states or playing in Europe .

  28. 长颈鹿和大象被吓坏了,它们看着狮子问它:狮子,你为什么要打小白兔呢?

    As the giraffe and elephant watch in horror , they look at him and ask , Lion , why did you do this ?

  29. 我刚卖掉三打小蛋糕,我们只需在其中一个盒子上写着“无糖”就行了。

    Well , I just sold three dozen cupcakes , we just have to mark " No sugar " on one of the boxes .

  30. 打小时候起,我最喜欢的季节就是冬天。我喜欢在雪里玩,喜欢喝热巧克力。

    Ever since I was little , my favorite season was winter . I loved to play in the snow and enjoy the hot chocolate .