
dǎ yìn
  • print;stamp;print up;transcription;mimeograph;put a seal on;stencils and mimeograph;cut a stencil and mimeograph
打印 [dǎ yìn]
  • (1) [stencilize and mimeograph]∶刻蜡版和油印

  • (2) [mimeograph]∶油印,用油印机印刷

  • (3) [stamp]∶盖图章

打印[dǎ yìn]
  1. 适用于在皮革、纸、布、塑料多种材料上打印。

    Also suitable to stamp on various materials such as leather , pater , clothing and plastic .

  2. 本文对设计方法作了介绍,并对打印结果进行分析。

    The designed method is introduced and the result of mimeograph is analysed .

  3. 新激光打印机的打印质量好极了。

    The print quality of the new laser printer is superb .

  4. 你能帮我把这一屏幕打印出来吗?

    Can you do a printout of this screen for me ?

  5. 文字和插图按每英寸300个点的密度打印。

    Text and graphics are printed at 300 dots per inch .

  6. 结账时,旅馆会把你的账单打印给你。

    At checkout , your bill will be printed for you .

  7. 你想打印时就点击一下这个图标。

    Click on the icon when you want to print .

  8. 打印文件时应选择横向打印格式选项。

    Select the landscape option when printing the file .

  9. 我已经用灰色调打印出图片。

    I 've printed out the pictures in greyscale .

  10. 在将报告打印出来之前,他作了一些小小的修改。

    He made some minor revisions to the report before printing it out .

  11. 我们出售打印机、扫描仪,以及打印扫描二合一设备。

    We sell printers and scanners , and all-in-ones that combine the two .

  12. 请用A4纸、以双倍行距单面打印或誊抄,字迹务必清晰。

    Please type or write clearly in double spacing on one side of A4 paper only .

  13. 你的打印任务已经发送到了网络打印列表中。

    Your print job has been sent to the network print queue .

  14. 他们没能抽出时间把信打印出来。

    They didn 't get around to typing up the letter

  15. 这种机器能够识别手写字体,并将其转化为打印文本。

    The machine can recognise handwritten characters and turn them into printed text

  16. 当初稿完成以后,尼科尔斯将它打印了出来。

    When the first draft was completed , Nichols typed it up .

  17. 我只需把它打印出来,然后投进邮筒。

    I shall just print this out and put it in the post .

  18. 那封信有密密麻麻打印出来的6页。

    The letter consists of six closely typed pages .

  19. 你量一下自己的尺寸,把尺码输进去,电脑就会把式样打印出来。

    You measure yourself , enter measurements and the computer will print out the pattern

  20. 我一直盯着看一张毫无意义的计算机打印稿。

    I had been peering at a computer print-out that made no sense at all

  21. 信封里装着一封打印的、没签名的信,索要75,000英镑。

    The envelope contained a typed , unsigned letter demanding £ 75,000 in cash .

  22. 激光打印机的打印质量很好。

    Laser printers give high quality print .

  23. 月亮表面的图像被传回到地球并打印出来。

    The images of the moon 's surface were transmitted back to earth and printed out

  24. 它是用再生纸打印的。

    It is printed on recycled paper .

  25. 屏幕上显示的内容也可以通过打印机打印一份。

    A hard copy of the screen display can also be obtained from a printer .

  26. 你必须输入命令,例如“帮助”或“打印”。

    You have to type in commands , such as ' help ' and ' print '

  27. 只打印出一半就把信寄出去到底有什么用呢?

    What 's the point in writing in when you only print half the letter anyway ?

  28. 我的秘书花了很长时间把我写的几乎无法辨认的手稿用打字机打印成易读的文本。

    My secretary worked long hours translating my almost illegible writing into a typewritten and readable script .

  29. 我们的新打印机每秒钟打印60个字母。

    Our new printer operates at60 characters per second .

  30. 在3D打印领域,有一个新的前沿领域开始成为人们关注的焦点:食品。

    There 's a new frontier in 3D printing that 's beginning to come into focus : food .