
dǎ yù fáng zhēn
  • preventive inoculation
打预防针[dǎ yù fáng zhēn]
  1. 我说的这些就当给你打预防针吧。

    Let these words of mine serve as a warning to you .

  2. 可是我今年夏天要去柬埔寨和越南,所以要先去打预防针。如果你有FIV的猫咪,记得仔细的照顾他跟打预防针。

    But I need to get immunized for my trip to Cambodia and Vietnam this summer . If you have a cat with FIV , remember to work closely with your veterinarian regarding vaccinations and health care .

  3. 医生给我们打预防针使我们不会得天花。

    Doctors vaccinate us so that we do not catch smallpox .

  4. 孩子们将去医院打预防针。

    The children are going to the hospital to be inoculated .

  5. 安:这个东西把牛固定住,这样比利才能给它打预防针。

    Ann : It holds her still so Billy can her .

  6. 我说的这些就当给你打预防针吧。.

    Let these words of mine se a warning to you .

  7. 作为一种预防疾病的措施,人们应该打预防针。

    As a prevention against disease people should be inoculated .

  8. 打预防针大幅度降低了患流感的人数。

    Giving people a vaccination greatly reduces the occurrence of flu in the population .

  9. 你也要打预防针吗?

    You getting a flu shot , too ?

  10. 他本应先打预防针的。

    He ought to have been inoculated .

  11. 如不幸被狗咬伤,请即到医院处理伤口并打预防针。

    If , unfortunately , bitten by dog , please go to the hospital at once and get inoculated .

  12. 我的乙肝病毒抗体参考值是660,那还需要打预防针吗?

    Antibody of my second liver virus consults the value is660 , does that still need to hit precautionary needle ?

  13. 卫生组织在一件小儿麻痹症的案例被曝光后发起了为八百万儿童打预防针的战役。

    Health officials are launching a campaign to vaccinate eight million children after a case of polio was reported there .

  14. 等你有了签证,你也得打预防针才能得到黄皮书。

    Li You , too , will have to be inoculated for the yellow paper when you 've got the visa .

  15. 我听说打预防针会引起严重的、意想不到的副作用,所以我今天不打了,谢谢您。

    I 've heard tell that immunizations can have serious , unintended side effects , so I 'll forgo mine today , thank you .

  16. 医生们给新兵检查了身体,护士们给他们打了预防针

    Doctors examined the recruits but nurses did the inocuLating .

  17. 全球枕戈待旦最好的方法,就是打疫苗预防针。

    One of the best ways to do so is vaccination .

  18. 我还认为给她打了预防针了呢。

    Thought I 'd rip the bandage off quickly .

  19. 每个学校都应该打好预防针,防止该类事故再次发生。

    Every school should have an early warning system to avoid this problem .

  20. 不我只是打个预防针其他人都会是这么想的

    No. I 'm just preparing you for what everyone else is gonna think .

  21. 这些不合理的规章制度应该废止。每个学校都应该打好预防针,防止该类事故再次发生。

    These unreasonable rules should fall off . Every school should have an early warning system to avoid this problem .

  22. 老师得给你打个预防针,这个过程可能挺辛苦,需要毅力。

    But I need to tell you ahead of time that this journy is very tough and great perseverance is needed .

  23. 打感冒预防针要度过一年的最后部分,你的身体健康一定要保持到最佳状态。

    Get a Flu Shot To make it through the last stretch of the year , you need to be in optimum health .

  24. 在还没感冒之前就一定要去打个预防针,疫苗两周之后才有效,所以赶紧打吧。

    Be sure to get a flu shot if you haven 't already . It takes about two weeks for the vaccine to start protecting you from the flu so get it as soon as you can .

  25. 尽管先前打了很多预防针并且办齐了所有手续,这只小狗在Lima(利马)机场还是被扣留了,最终被迫送回了Adella的家中。

    Although the puppy had taken many inoculations and gone through all the formalities , it was still detained in Lima Airport and brought back to Adella 's house .

  26. 我需要打一针破伤风预防针么?

    Am I going to need a tetanus shot ?

  27. 我上周便打了流感预防针。

    I had a flu shot last week .

  28. 她打了破伤风预防针。

    She was injected against tetanus .

  29. 她记得,钉这四颗铁钉的时候,他的手不小心受伤了,是她逼着他去医院打了预防破伤风的针。

    She still remembered he got hurt on his fingers when trying to drive the nails home . It was her who pushed him to receive an injection against tetanus in the hospital .

  30. 乙肝预防针打了无妨,在香港不管乙肝病毒抗体参考值是多少,年来都会主动去打乙肝预防针的!

    Second liver prevented a needle to dig just as well , no matter antibody of second liver virus consults how much the value is , be in Hong kong , year will can hit second liver to prevent a needle actively !