
  1. 结果术后发热反应以CPC组最重。

    Results The postoperative febrile response in CPC group was the severest .

  2. 并观察了IL-6水平与手术类别、手术持续时间的关系,与术后发热及术后并发症的联系。

    The correlations of these determinations with the types of operations , persistence of operation time and the occurrence of fever and complications were analyzed .

  3. 腹腔镜组术后发热率(24.00%)低于开腹组(59.24%),P0.001;

    Fever rate ( 24.00 % ) in laparoscopy group is under laparotomy group ( 59.24 % ), P0.001 ;

  4. 术后肠蠕动恢复时间、术后发热率、术后出院时间等指标腹腔镜组和经阴道手术组均显著低于经腹手术组(P0.05)。

    The recovery time of peristalsis and the length of stay of adbominal hysterectomy group were significantly longer and the postoperative fever rate was higher than those of laparoscopy assisted vaginal hysterectomy and vaginal hysterectomy groups ( P0.05 ) .

  5. 结论:IL-6可作为早期预测感染的敏感指标,检测IL-6将有助于对急性白血病化疗后发热原因的判断。

    Conclusion : IL 6 is an earlier and more sensitive indicator than CRP in detecting infection in neutropenic febrile patients with acute leukemia . The measurement of IL 6 level should be useful in the assessment of fever in these patients .

  6. 最常见的为术后发热、出汗及肝区治疗部位疼痛;

    Postoperative fever , sweating , and local pain were common .

  7. 门静脉高压患者脾切除术后发热原因的探讨及处理

    The causes and management of postsplenectomy fever in portal hypertension patients

  8. 晚期血吸虫病脾切除术后发热原因探讨及处理

    The causes and management of fever after splenectomy with advanced schistosomiasis

  9. 231例开颅患者术后发热的成因探讨

    Study of the Causes of Postoperative Fever of 231 Patients with Craniotomy

  10. 免疫损害宿主纤维支气管镜术后发热的发生率和相关因素

    Incidence and factors related to post-bronchoscopy fever in immunocompromised patients

  11. 术后发热9例,占1%。

    Nine cases of postoperative fever is accounting for1 % .

  12. 脊髓空洞症术后发热的观察

    Observation of Postoperative Fever in Patients with Syringomyelia

  13. 温老把常见的功能性发热种类分为感染后发热综合征和夏季热。

    In addition , Professor Wen divided functional fever into infected fever syndrome and summer fever .

  14. 经直肠前列腺穿刺活检术后发热原因探讨

    Fever with transrectal biopsy of prostate

  15. 脾脏手术后发热原因

    Cause of fever after spleen operation

  16. 颅脑术后发热中湿热的成因特点及治疗

    The Causes , Features and Therapeutic Methods of Dampness - Heat in Post - Craniotomy Fever Patients

  17. 如术后发热、刀口感染、子宫破裂、膀胱损伤、新生儿并发症等。

    The complications include postoperative fever cutting edge infection , rupture of uterus , injury of bladder and newborn baby complication etc.

  18. 结果术后发热可由各种并发症引起,以门脾静脉血栓形成和脾窝积血积液合并感染最为常见,有时无原因。

    Results The most common cause was portal or splenic vein thrombosis and hematocele or hydrops and infection in splenic recess .

  19. 术后发热1.7%,输尿管穿孔3.4%。

    The main complications were high fever , ( 1 . 7 % ) and ureter perforation , ( 3.4 % ) .

  20. 接种麻疹疫苗后发热出疹性病例的流行病学调查

    Epidemiological analysis of cases with rash and fever illness after measles vaccine inoculation during 1999 to 2002 in Shandong province , China

  21. 晚期血吸虫病脾静脉-下腔静脉分流术远期效果晚期血吸虫病脾切除术后发热原因探讨及处理

    Long-term therapeutic effect of portacaval shunt in treatment of advanced schistosomiasis The causes and management of fever after splenectomy with advanced schistosomiasis

  22. [结论]肠道准备、消毒措施、预防应用抗生素、技术因素和患者机体素质可以影响经直肠前列腺穿刺活检术后发热的发生,患者心理因素可能参与其中。

    [ Conclusion ] Apart from bowel preparation and antibiotics , hyperpyrexia following transrectal prostate biopsy is probably related to technique and patient factors .

  23. 两组术后发热的病程方面,试验组平均发热5天,对照组平均发热8天。

    Postoperative fever duration of the test group average fever for five days , the control group , the average fever for eight days .

  24. 结果治疗后发热等全身症状消失,皮肤损害逐渐好转或恢复正常,38例中治愈12例,显效17例,有效9例。

    Results The symptoms disappeared and skin lesion recovered after treatment . There were 12 cases healed , 17 cases excellent , 9 cases effected .

  25. 以围手术期中医症状为切入点,探讨开颅患者术后发热、尤其是湿热发热的成因。

    The cause of postoperative fever , especially postoperative damp-heat , in the cases of craniotomy was studied by investigating the TCM symptoms in the peri operative period .

  26. 五行与五脏的配属有古、今文说之异。结果各季节术后发热均超过50%,季节之间发热百分比无显著性差异(P>005);

    The results showed that the morbidity of PF was above 50 % in all the four seasons and there was no significant difference between any of two seasons ( P > 0 05 );

  27. 结论脑热清口服液对术后发热有显著的退热作用,对感染和非感染性发热均有效,退热作用与脑瘤性质无关。

    Conclusion NOS possesses a marked antipyretic effect on postoperative fever , being effective for both infective and noninfective fever , and its antipyretic effect is not related with the properties of the cerebral tumors .

  28. 结果:总碎石成功率为96.9%,术中并发输尿管穿孔1例,假道形成2例,术后发热6例。

    Results : The total rate of success of lithotrity was 96 9 % with intraoperative complications of ureter perforation in 1 case , formation of pseudo duct in 2 cases , and postoperative fever in 6 cases .

  29. 当运行时间在40min以上后,发热膜温度、电流、电消耗功率和地板表面的温度都达到并维持在一个稳定值附近;

    40 minutes after the beginning of the experiment , the constant temperature on the surface of floor and thermoelectric film , the constant electrical current and electric power of thermoelectric film was established and maintained ;

  30. 应用变频器后电动机发热问题的解决办法

    Application of frequency converter to solve motor heat away problem