
  • 网络Metailurus
  1. 中脑网状结构损伤后猫EEG相对功率的动态监测

    Dynamic Monitoring of Relative EEG Power Following Midbrain Reticular Formation Injury in Cats

  2. 伽玛刀照射后猫脑运动区皮质GFAP、S-100蛋白变化的研究

    Alterations of GFAP and S-100 protein in cats ' motor cortex after irradiation with gamma knife

  3. LIF、CNTF和BDNF对动眼神经切断后猫动眼神经核CGRP表达的影响

    The effect of lif , cntf and BDNF on the expression of CGRP in oculomotor nucleus of cats with oculomotor nerve transection

  4. 去部分背根后猫脊髓Ⅱ板trKC表达的变化

    The expression of trkC in spinal lamina ⅱ following partial dorsal root rhizotomy

  5. 目的探讨部分去传入后猫脊髓背角板层内NGF、BDNF、NT-3及其mRNA的时空变化规律。

    Objective To investigate the spatiotemporal change rule of NGF , BDNF , NT-3 and their mRNA expression in spinal cord of cats after partial dorsal rhizotomy .

  6. 猫被制成木乃伊放进了花瓶里,当孩子用具有魔力的绳子碰了一下后猫复活了。

    The cat was mummified in the vase , but arosewhen the kid touched it with a magic rope .

  7. 睫状神经营养因子和脑源性神经营养因子对动眼神经切断后猫动眼神经核神经丝蛋白表达的影响

    Effect of ciliary neuronotrophic factor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor on the expression of neurofilament protein in oculomotor nucleus of cats after oculomotor nerve transection

  8. 放学后,猫妈妈要带维拉去姑姑家吃晚饭。

    After school , Mother Cat took Villa to her Aunt for dinner .

  9. 为防止感冒,洗完澡后让猫在屋里待上几个小时。

    To avoid colds , keep your cat inside for several hours after a bath .

  10. 谁也没看见老鼠走后,猫也流了一滴泪。

    No one sees that the cat also sheds a drop of tear after the mouse leaving off .

  11. 最近的一个星期六,一名瑞典游客在乘坐了旧金山缆车后,路过猫镇咖啡馆。

    One recent Saturday , a Swedish tourist came by Cat Town after riding San Francisco 's cable cars .

  12. 这些排泄物被清理后,以猫屎咖啡的名字出售,每磅可以卖好几百美元。

    The droppings are washed and the beans , sold as Kopi Luwak , can cost hundreds of dollars per pound .

  13. 目击者说,自从弗莱娅夺取了拉里在首相府台阶上巡逻的职务后,两只猫的关系就变得越来越紧张。

    Witnesses said that relations between the two cats have been strained since Freya usurped Larry from his role of prowling the corridors of power .

  14. 它的后脚掌(猫用来推进身体运动)肿胀起来,磨破了皮,爪子磨得只剩一小段了。

    Its back feet , the ones that cat use to propel themselves , were swollen , rubbed and raw and the claws were worn down to stubs .

  15. 而且主修的是在死后被自己的猫吃掉。

    And majoring in having your cats eat you when you die .

  16. 我到家后把一盒子猫仔带回屋内。

    I came home and brought the box of kittens back into the house .

  17. 住下一段时间后,邻居的猫下了小猫,问我们想不想要一只。

    After we were there awhile , our neighbor , whose cat had recently had kittens , asked us if we would like one .

  18. 躲避后你可以使用猫噬,更好的是,格档后你可以发动反击。

    Now with dodge , you can start abusing your mongoose bite , or even better , if you parry , you can let loose your almighty counterattack .

  19. 哪怕是天生能够给事物分类的人脑,也仍然需要看过十几个例子后才能够区分猫和狗。

    A human brain , which is genetically primed to categorize things , still needs to see a dozen examples before it can distinguish between cats and dogs .

  20. 据上周英国《每日快报》的消息:自从2012年走红网络后,有只猫的身价已经超过了1亿美元(约合6.19亿人民币)。

    A cat has raked in $ 100 million ( 619 million yuan ) since she became Internet famous two years ago , reported UK newspaper Daily Express last week .