
shēn qū
  • body;bulk;stature
身躯 [shēn qū]
  • (1) [body]∶身体

  • 健壮的身躯

  • (2) [stature]∶身材

  • 身躯高大

身躯[shēn qū]
  1. 他绊倒在卢克俯卧的身躯上。

    He stumbled over Luke 's prostrate body .

  2. 伦纳德把椅子向后倾斜,仅以两条腿作支撑,然后舒展开他长长的身躯。

    Leonard tilted his chair back on two legs and stretched his long body

  3. 琼斯督察的壮硕身躯出现在门口。

    The bulky figure of Inspector Jones appeared at the door .

  4. 我跟在他魁梧的身躯后面进了屋子。

    I followed his big hulk into the house .

  5. 她用薄薄的黑色织物裹住了自己硕大的身躯。

    She swathed her enormous body in thin black fabrics

  6. 他把自己骇人的庞大身躯向桌子挪近了些。

    He moved his menacing bulk closer to the table

  7. 班诺尔小心翼翼地将肥硕的身躯落座到椅子上。

    Bannol lowered his bulk carefully into the chair

  8. 他大叫一声,高大的身躯剧烈地抖了一下,手臂也突然一哆嗦。

    He let out a cry that convulsed his bulky frame and jerked his arm

  9. 她想她从来没有因看到他那肥胖的身躯而如此高兴。

    She thought she 'd never been so glad to see his bulky form .

  10. 大象把它那笨重的身躯浸入河中。

    The elephant lowered its ponderous body into the river .

  11. 她纤弱的身躯因阵阵咳嗽而颤抖。

    Her slight frame was shaken by bouts of coughing .

  12. 伟大的灵魂常寓于矮小的身躯。

    A little body often harbours a great soul .

  13. 大象蹲下了它那庞大的身躯。

    The elephant lowered its great bulk .

  14. 马克罗里的身躯也显得神圣不可侵犯。

    Macrory 's body looked inviolable .

  15. 博士滴了几滴强烈的兴奋剂,使这个没有知觉的身躯复活了几分钟。

    By means of a few drops of strong cordial , the doctor revived the besotted corpse for a few minutes .

  16. 他弯下身躯,盯着他,满脸凶相,令人失魂落魄,毛骨悚然

    Stooping , he stared at him in breathless and frozen ferocity .

  17. 他瘦削的身躯站了起来,紧紧地握住比利·麦默恩的手。

    He rose to lank height and grasped Billy McMahan 's hand .

  18. 几次蜇中自己后,蝎子的身躯渐渐僵硬。

    After hurting itself several times , the body of the scorpion begins to stiffen4 .

  19. 不仅爱你伟岸的身躯,

    not only your giant body

  20. 有着恐龙身躯的中粮在它的局部显出了土狼的肌肉

    Those who having dinosaurian body is medium grain is in its local the muscle that aardwolf .

  21. 她拥有高雅的品味,高尚的情操,可爱的性格还有曼妙的身躯。

    Her taste was refined , her sentiments noble , her person lovely , her figure elegant .

  22. 一天晚上,我刚上床,觉得有人轻轻地拍了我的肩膀一下,然后就听到有个熟悉的声音说:“妈妈我知道上帝在那儿陪我,但我需要一个有身躯的上帝.”

    One night after I had gone to bed , I felt a soft tap on my shoulder , " Mommy , " a familiar voice said : " I know God 's in there with me , but I need somebody with skin . "

  23. 他说假设的现实生活ET的样子(意指ET电影里)与传统图片中的很相似,一个小身躯,大眼睛和脑袋。

    He said supposedly real-life ET 's were similar to the traditional image of a small frame , large eyes and head .

  24. 未来十年,Terra的大部分身躯将更完整地进入新梦想中,将灭绝的可能远抛在身后。

    In10 years time , most all of Terra will exist inside of this new dream more fully , and the potential of extinction will be put behind her .

  25. 但他仍会抽空做一些交易,在CBOT的玉米交易场,经常可以看到他结实的身躯。

    But he still tries to snatch some time trading and his thick-set frame can often be seen in the CBOT 's corn pits .

  26. 当他抬起瘦长的身躯向门口走去时,他的身影就像是一位英雄:一位超级富有的堂吉柯德(DonQuixote),努力使自己另类的声音被日益充满敌意的商界和政界所听到。

    As his tall , lanky frame heads for the exit , he cuts an almost heroic figure : a super-wealthy Don Quixote , fighting to make his eccentric voice heard in an increasingly hostile business and political world .

  27. 让我们放下疲倦的身躯来聆听这无声的步伐。

    Let us down tired body to hear this silent steps .

  28. 你每天早上都要拖着疲惫的身躯去工作吗?

    Do you need to drag yourself to work every morning ?

  29. 她挺直了高高的身躯,勇敢地直至天空。

    She stood straight and tall and pointed bravely to heaven .

  30. 在此之前,身躯庞大的高端存储,动辄重达几吨。

    Before , the huge high-end storage devices weight several tons .