
  • 网络bria;Umbria
  1. 我们打算建立一个建筑物区分环境蓬翁布里亚市从其他人的同样大小包含展销会,展览,大会并显示类似的设施。

    We intend to create a building to distinguish the City of Punta Umbria from others of similar size in the environment that contain similar facilities for fairs , exhibits , congress and shows .

  2. 马林关于诺森布里亚的文章刊出后读者来信纷至沓来。

    Marling 's article on Northumbria attracted a large postbag .

  3. 在他的加冕典礼上,威尔士、诺森布里亚和苏格兰的国王向他宣誓效忠。

    At his coronation he received the homage of kings from Wales , Northumbria and Scotland .

  4. 2015年,维拉在坎塔布里亚的CabezondelaSal大桥参加蹦极时,身上拴着绳子,但绳子另一端却没有系在桥上。

    Vera Mol had a rope attached to her , but it wasn 't tied to the bridge when she took part in the popular adrenaline-fuelled activity on the bridge of Cabezon de la Sal in Cantabria back in 2015 .

  5. 法国美食家布里亚-萨瓦亨(Brillat-Savarin)曾经说过:“我得出的结论是,到目前为止,快感的界限既不为人所知,也非固定不变。”

    It was the French epicure Brillat-Savarin who noted : " I have drawn the following inference , that the limits of pleasure are as yet neither known nor fixed . "

  6. 布里亚,你说你看不出来

    Now , Bria , you say that you can 't see it .

  7. 坎所以她们就打电话给布里亚郡威哥顿市附近Knoxwood野生动物救援中心请求帮助。

    So they called the Knoxwood Wildlife Rescue Centre , near Wigton , Cumbria .

  8. 布里亚要找�

    Bria 's requesting to see you .

  9. 他也是一个北逊布里亚人,而且用他自己的话说,是朝气蓬勃的。

    He was a Northumbrian too , and " tail still up " as the expressed it .

  10. 告诉我你平时吃什么,我就能说出你是怎么样的一个人。&布里亚·萨瓦兰。

    Tell me what you eat , and I will tell you who you are . " - Brillat-Savarin " .

  11. 解说员评论他时总是说“天赋”,好像他还是那个在坎塔布里亚沙滩上用自制球棒玩卵石的七岁小孩。

    Commentators talked of natural genius , as though he was still a seven-year-old whacking a pebble with a home-made club on a beach in Cantabria .

  12. “如果他不对外透露这件事的话情况会好得多,”布里亚拖利对《米兰体育报》说。“或者他应该立刻宣布自己受伤的事实。”

    " It would have been better had he not revealed that ," Briatore told Gazzetta dello Sport . " Otherwise he should have said that immediately . "

  13. 布里亚拖利不认为是伤病葬送了韦伯的冠军,他认为澳大利亚人如果不在韩国撞车退赛的话还是有可能赢得总冠军的。

    Briatore does not believe the injury cost Webber the title , as he thinks the Australian would still have prevailed had he not crashed out in Korea .

  14. 它是盎格鲁·撒克逊时代诺森布里亚五国的一部分,在1351年成为巴拉丁领地。

    It was part of the kingdom of Northumbria in Anglo-Saxon times and became a county palatine in1351.Long noted for its textiles , the area grew rapidly after the Industrial Revolution .

  15. 一名窃贼闯入巴伦西亚附近小镇布里亚索特的一家殡仪馆,试图装死来欺骗警察,但是有两处破绽让他现形。

    A burglar broke into a funeral home in Burjassot , a small town just outside Valencia and tried to fool police by playing dead , but two things gave him away .

  16. 但是布里亚拖利,那个从雷诺车队离开后任然在监督着韦伯和阿隆索的那个人,认为韦伯应该用不同的方式处理这个情况。

    But Briatore , who has continued to oversee the careers of Webber and Fernando Alonso after his exit from the Renault team , thinks Webber should have handled the situation differently .

  17. 在西班牙坎塔布里亚举行的自行车大赛上,一名参赛选手在临近终点的时候车轮胎被刺爆,此时对于紧随其后的选手奥古斯丁·纳瓦罗来说是绝好的机会,他尽可以加快速度,获得铜牌。

    When cyclist Agustin Navarro 's rival suffered a puncture near the finish line of a big competition , it was the perfect opportunity for him to speed into third place and win the bronze medal .

  18. 这对夫妇已经从之前在布里亚郡的房子中搬出来,他们现在正居住在附近的一个村庄,克里斯蒂夫人在那里的学校做教师,而克里斯蒂正在翻修他们未来的房子。

    The couple have moved from their former home in Cumbria and are now staying in a nearby village where Mrs Christie works as a school teacher , while Mr Christie spends his time renovating their future home .

  19. 西班牙北部城市坎塔布里亚法院的法官们表示,这位教练本应该核对身份证件确认维拉是否满18岁,且他的英语真的“非常糟糕”。

    Judges in the court of Cantabria , northern Spain , say the instructor should have checked for ID to make sure Vera was 18 years old , adding that his English was ' macarronico ' , which translates to ' very bad ' .