
  • 网络brookfield zoo
  1. 伊利诺斯州布鲁克菲尔德动物园的动物们在这个圣帕特里克节走了好运,动物园管理员发给它们三叶草美食让它们过瘾。

    The animals at Illinois Brookfield Zoo got lucky this St. Patrick 's Day , as zoo keepers treated them to shamrock goodies .

  2. 在大猩猩芭布斯在30岁时去世后,布鲁克菲尔德动物园的管理员决定让其他的大猩猩,悼念他们大家庭中这位最有影响力的雌性。

    After Babs the gorilla died at age30 , keepers at Brookfield Zoo decided to allow surviving gorillas to mourn the most influential female in their social family .