
  • 网络brewer;Corey Brewer;brule;Marcel Breuer
  1. 保守派不满布鲁尔推行的这些变革。

    The old guard did not like the changes that Brewer introduced

  2. 布鲁尔是一个很有趣的人。

    Brewer is a very interesting man .

  3. 利物浦大学的专家布鲁尔博士说:"对吸引力的判断往往是无意识的,但我们都是这样做的,我们甚至可以对一些小事做出判断,比如某人看起来是累了还是不健康。"

    Dr. Brewer , an expert at the University of Liverpool said " Judgement of attractiveness is often unconscious , hut we all do it , and we are able to judge on even son thing small like whether someone looks tired or unhealthy . "

  4. 首席运营官我选【沃尔玛(Wal-MartStores)】的罗沙琳德•布鲁尔。

    For chief operating officer I picked Rosalind brewer [ of Wal-Mart stores ] ( WMT ) .

  5. 各种学派特别是以默顿为代表的默顿学派和以布鲁尔为代表的SSK学派都阐发出了自己的科学观立场并且进行了针锋相对的争辩,二者都试图捍卫自己的科学观。

    Various schools , especially Merton school based on Merton and SSK school based on Brewer all elucidate of the scientific concept of position and Tit-for-tat debate , both trying to defend their own view of science .

  6. 布鲁尔的目前的合约将会到夏季结束,而上赛季21岁的前锋有部分的日子是租借到他的祖国荷兰RKC华域克效力。

    His present deal is due to expire in the summer and the21-year-old striker spent the second part of last season on loan back in his native Dutch homeland with RKC Waalwijk .

  7. 这条路在南边更远的地方与布鲁尔街相交。

    Still farther south , the way is crossed by brewer street .

  8. 从布鲁尔到拉图尔所体现出的科学知识社会学的人类学转向,具有重要意义。

    The anthropological turn from David Bloor to Bronu Latour has its great significance .

  9. 州长布鲁尔最终表态说,亚利桑那州无法承受这样的后果。

    Governor Brewer eventually said the state can 't afford that kind of fallout .

  10. 与(某人或某事)抵触,冲突布鲁尔和布劳德经常发生冲突。

    Brougher clashed frequently with Browder .

  11. “我很高兴瓦尔威克提供我一个上场的机会。”布鲁尔说道。

    " I am happy RKC Waalwijk have given me the chance to play ," Brouwer said .

  12. 社会礼仪专家丽兹•布鲁尔告诉英国广播公司说,她觉得这张照片“让人不舒服”。

    Social etiquette expert Liz Brewer told the BBC that she found the photo " uncomfortable . "

  13. 布鲁尔认为在发育初期食用鱼类不仅能够有益孩子大脑发育,同时也能促进味觉的发育。

    Brewer believes that introducing fish early will help nurture not just babies'brains , but their palates too .

  14. 布鲁尔认为,对问题的深究,导致维氏建立了我们今天所称为的知识社会学理论。

    Bloor believes that studying on the problems , result in Wittgenstein building the so-called " social knowledge theory " .

  15. 你们都已经看到了由东尼本,卡尔布鲁尔,鲁迪特劳兹和乔治科德签发的公开信。

    You all have seen the open letters sent by Donnie burns , Karl breuer , Rudi trautz and George coad .

  16. 一位亲临现场的顾客多米尼克布鲁尔说:人们开始往前倒,我不得不从一个女孩身上跳过去,这太疯狂了!

    ' People were falling , I had to jump over a girl , it was crazy , ' Dominique Brewer said .

  17. 今天的大喊答题节目环节的题目是俄亥俄州米尔福德小学布鲁尔先生的社会研究班提供。

    Today 's Shoutout goes out to Mr. Breuer 's social studies classes at Milford Junior High School in Milford , Ohio .

  18. 监督委员会主席拉尔夫-布鲁尔说下一步双方将一起召开会议,可能是在九月份什么时候。

    Deutsche Boerse chairman Rolf Breuer said the next step would be a meeting of both partners , probably in September some time .

  19. 一家联邦上诉法庭驳回了亚利桑那州州长简·布鲁尔的规定,布鲁尔试图禁止拥有工作签证的年轻移民获得驾照。

    A federal appeals court is blocking Arizona governor Jan Brewer attempt to keep young immigrants with work permits from getting driver 's licenses .

  20. 利物浦已经同意下半个赛季把布鲁尔租借给荷兰的瓦尔威克。

    Liverpool have agreed a deal for Jordy Brouwer to go on loan to Dutch outfit RKC Waalwijk for the rest of the season .

  21. 2012年,布鲁尔指示州机构拒绝为享有延期计划的年轻移民颁发驾照和其他公共福利。

    In 2012 , Brewer directed state agencies to deny driver 's licenses and other public benenfits to young immigrants benefiting from deferred action .

  22. 布鲁尔与理性解释模式的差异在于他选择科学与其他文化之间的类似性,而非二者差别作为研究出发点。

    Differerent from rational explanation , Bloor chooses the similarity between science and other cultures as the start , not the difference between the two .

  23. 礼服上半身的华丽刺绣的灵感来源于德国布鲁尔城堡内部洛可可风格的室内设计。埃米斯在女王出访前特意做了一番研究。

    The ornate embroidery over the bodice was inspired by the Rococo interiors of the palaces at Schloss Bruhl , which Amies researched prior to the Queen 's visit .

  24. 上个赛季布鲁尔是预备队的主力球员,但是他没有够进入到贝尼特斯的一队的名单中。

    Brouwer was a regular member of Liverpool 's all-conquering reserve team last season , but he has been unable to break through into Rafael Benitez 's first team plans .

  25. 美国第九巡回上诉法庭推翻了这项政策,而州长布鲁尔在声明中表示,亚利桑那州将继续就这条规定进行上诉。

    The ninth US circuit court appeals rule against Brewer 's policy . In a statement , governor Brewer says Arizona will continue to court fight for the rule of law .

  26. 总统表示很高兴再次见面,但的确提到上次与州长在白宫椭圆形办公室的友好会面,表示布鲁尔州长在书中叙述不实。

    The president said he 'd be glad to meet with her again , but did note that after their last meeting , a cordial discussion in the Oval Office , the governor inaccurately described the meeting in her book .

  27. 本论文主要研究的科学知识社会学中的强纲领,或者更准确地说,是研究以布鲁尔和巴恩斯为代表的爱丁堡学派的科学知识社会学理论。

    In the present paper , our main research is " the Strong Program " in scientific knowledge sociology , or accurately said that , the research take is theory of SSK which Bloor and Barnes as representative 's thought of Edinburgh school .

  28. 布鲁尔作为20世纪科学知识社会学最杰出的代表之一,跳出了传统观念的限制,突破了对科学知识本身进行社会学分析的禁区,提出了强纲领这一核心理论。

    As one of the most outstanding representatives in the field of sociology of scientific knowledge in 20th century , Bloor has broken through the astriction of traditional ideas and the forbidden zone of sociological analyze on scientific knowledge itself and brought forward the core theory of Strong Program .

  29. 本文对现代知识社会建构新的知识观的研究进路进行了尝试性探索,认为可以把传统的理性维度和布鲁尔的社会维度、劳斯的实践维度结合在一起。

    An attempt has been made in this disquisition to explore the cause of the construction and study of a new knowledge view in the modern knowledge society with a viewpoint that the traditional nous dimensionality , bloor 's social dimensionality and rouse 's practical dimensionality might be integrated together .