
shēn fèn ɡuān xi
  • Identity relationship;status relationship
  1. 亲权是基于父母子女之间特定的身份关系而产生的,具有专属性。

    The concept of the parental rights based on the special status relationship between parents and their children .

  2. 二是理论上认可的合法同居,依据契约身份关系及现代民法的基本原则予以保护。

    The other is the legal cohabitation which is admitted theoretically , so it is protected by contract status relationship and the principles of modern civil law .

  3. 作为开发人员,Jim必须创建有四个角色的静态身份关系,关联不同的数据代表。

    As a developer , Jim must create a static identity relationship with four roles to correlate the different data representations .

  4. 共同正犯与身份关系问题探析

    On the Relationship between Joint Principal Offenders and Their Identity

  5. 在我国,身份关系说是通说。

    In China , the identity is through that relationship .

  6. 语言与文化身份关系探析

    Research into the Relationship between Language and Cultural Identity

  7. 男女结婚不仅创设夫妻身份关系,在经济生活中也要发生财产关系,财产关系成为婚姻效力的重要组成部分。

    Property relationship was becoming an important part of the validity of marriage .

  8. 工作场所中的性骚扰:多重权力和身份关系的不平等&对20个案例的调查和分析

    Sexual Harassment at the Workplace : Inequality in Powers and Identities Shown in Twenty Cases

  9. 生活伴侣是一种有别于婚姻及单纯意义上的同居,而为法律认可的身份关系,同居也是其内在的本质要求。

    It is status relation admitted by law , therefore the cohabitation of it is natural .

  10. 婚姻法的内容主要包括夫妻身份关系和夫妻财产关系。

    The content of Marriage Law mainly includes the marital identification relationship and marital property relationship .

  11. 在中国长期的封建社会中,劳动关系的主要形态是一种身份关系。

    In the China long-term feudal society , the work relations mainly is one kind of status relations .

  12. 人事诉讼程序的诉讼标的是特定身份关系,具有特殊性。

    That object of action of Personal status actions is related to particular identity and relationship is unique .

  13. 探视权是亲权的重要内容,是基于父母子女身份关系而产生的权利与义务,它既是权利又是义务。

    Visitation right , an integral part of parental power , arises from the relation between parent and child .

  14. (二)对下落不明或者宣告失踪的人提起的有关身份关系的诉讼;

    Those concerning the personal status of persons whose whereabouts are unknown or who have been declared as missing ;

  15. 配偶权以配偶这一特殊身份关系为基础,随着婚姻关系的缔结而产生,随着婚姻关系的结束而终止。

    Based on the special status relations of spouse , the spouse right lives together with the marriage contract .

  16. 人事诉讼制度是有关婚姻关系、亲子关系以及收养关系等身份关系的一种特殊民事诉讼制度。

    Personal Status litigation is the marriage , adoption parenthood , and as a special system of civil proceedings .

  17. (一)对不在中华人民共和国领域内居住的人提起的有关身份关系的诉讼;

    Those concerning personal status brought against persons not residing within the territory of the People 's Republic of China ;

  18. 研究结论:针对宅基地使用权,应建立身份关系继承制度。

    The paper concludes that the identity inheritance system should be built for the inheritance of rural residential land use right .

  19. 男女因结婚不但创设夫妻身份关系,在经济生活中亦要发生财产关系。

    Man and woman married not only establishing status of husband and wife , but also occur property relation in economic life .

  20. 在自认限制的客体方面,有关身份关系的事实、职权探知事项、司法认知均不能自认。

    In the object , the facts related with personal relationship , ex officio and judicial notice can not be made self-admission .

  21. 亲属身份关系往往是区分罪与非罪,罪轻罪重以及处罚力度的最根本因素。

    Family relationship is often the distinction between crime or identity , petty crime and punishment of the most important fundamental factor .

  22. 本文论述之人事行政行为是指在行政机关的内部行政行为中基于行政机关与其工作人员的身份关系而产生的各种人事管理性质的行为。

    Personnel administrative acts studied in this essay refer to internal personnel management issues occur between administrative organ and its staff members .

  23. 在英美法系,按特别程序审理身份关系方面案件的程序源远流长,与普通法和衡平法诉讼程序并行发展。

    The special procedure concerning the identity relation has a long history and develops with the procedure of common law and even law .

  24. 婚姻、收养、监护等有关身份关系的协议,适用其他法律的规定。

    An agreement concerning any personal relationship such as marriage , adoption , guardianship , etc. shall be governed by other applicable laws .

  25. 再从各国对共同共有的规定以及理论来看,共同共有始终是与身份关系紧密地联系在一起的,身份关系是共同共有成立的基础。

    In light of the legislation and theoretical studies of many states , joint ownership in common is always closely relative to personal relationship .

  26. 确认生父之诉是典型的身份关系诉讼,多数国家在立法上将其确立为一种独立的诉讼类型。

    A paternity suit is a typical case of identity relation , and most countries establish legislatively it as an independent cause of action .

  27. 因为它意味着个人空间完全可以通过一个虚拟的匿名的渠道暴露在公众视野之下,而不受现实社会中的身份关系的约束。

    It means that a personal space may be revealed in public through a virtual anonymous way and with on restraint of its social position .

  28. 自20世纪50年代以来,中日间的角色身份关系发生了多次变化,不断地被再造。

    Since the 1950s of the 20th Century , the changes of roles of identity between China and Japan have taken place and constantly being rebuilt .

  29. 婚姻关系是身份关系与财产关系的统一,而财产关系则是婚姻家庭得以延续发展的基础。

    Marital relation is the combination of identical relation and property relation . The property relation is the basic that the marriage and family can last and development .

  30. 分别对共同共有与按份共有的起源进行了探讨,认为共同共有在起源上与身份关系是相联系的。

    According to the discussion of the origin of joint ownership in common and joint ownership by shares , joint ownership in common is closely relative to personal relationship .