
  • 网络actio negatoria
  1. 主要内容包括排除妨害请求权、停止妨害请求权和人身损害赔偿请求权。

    It mainly includes the claim for the removal of obstacles , the claim for the cessation of obstacles and the claim for the damages to bodily injury .

  2. 在债权形式主义立法下,真实权利人所享有的更正登记请求权可作为排除妨害请求权的一种特殊类型。

    Under the legislation of debt formalism , the right to request the correction of registration can be regarded as a special type of the right to request excluding jeopardizing .

  3. 期待权基于其财产性可成为交易(转让、出质)或继承的客体,并通过排除妨害请求权和损害赔偿请求权具有了对抗非法侵害的效力。

    And then based on its property , it could be on transaction object , can be transferred , pledged and inherited , can be exercised against the illegal removal of obstacles against claims and damages claims .