
pái luǎn qī
  • period of ovulation
  1. 为了解米非司酮用于排卵期房事后避孕引起的子宫内膜形态学改变,选择21名健康育龄妇女做为受试者,于排卵后72小时内口服300mg米非司酮。

    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the changes in endometrial morphology when mifepristone administration was used for postcoital contraception in the period of ovulation . Twenty-one healthy women were recruited . Mifepristone ( 300mg , orally ) was given 72 hours apart after ovulation .

  2. 现在已经进入排卵期,你的基础体温有变化吗?

    Has now entered a period of ovulation , your basal body temperature has changed ?

  3. 临近排卵期,雌激素的分泌量随之增加。

    As ovulation gets nearer , oestrogen levels rise .

  4. 女性倾向于在排卵期,即生理期到来前14天左右,购买一些让自己更有魅力的产品。

    Women are buying items to make themselves feel more attractive - coinciding with the time of ovulation when they are most fertile , typically around 14 days before the start of a period .

  5. B型16例,P分泌正常。但排卵期E2浓变显著降低;

    Type B ( 16 patients ): The secretion peak of E2 disappeared in ovulatory phase although the secretion of P was normal .

  6. Ok,不打脖子以上的,或者是腰以下的,Dana正在排卵期。

    BIG BULLY : Ok , nothing from the neck up.Or the waist down . Dana 's ovulating .

  7. 各种应用(app)从计步器、心率计量仪到酒精测定计和排卵期计算器为人们提供了大量个人健康信息。

    Apps ranging from step-counters and heart-rate meters to alcohol breathalyser kits and ovulation calculators already provide individuals with a wealth of personal health information .

  8. 雌性SD大鼠35只,每日做阴道细胞涂片,排卵期雌雄合笼,以出现精栓计为受孕第0.5天。

    Female and male rats at the ovulation period were put in the same cage . Seen vaginal plug was set as 0.5 day after coitus .

  9. 子宫动脉PSV与围排卵期的血清VEGF、LH浓度和黄体中期的血清VEGF水平正相关,而子宫动脉RI与血清VEGF、E2水平呈负相关。

    PSV in the uterine artery positively correlated with serum VEGF , LH in the pre-ovulating phase , and with serum VEGF in the mid-luteal phase .

  10. 目的:探讨LUFS患者围排卵期卵巢动脉血流动力学参数的变化和外周血FSH、LH、E2、VEGF、ANG的关系。

    Objective : To study the change of preovulation ovarian hemodynamics in patients with lufs and its relationship between serum steroid , VEGF and ANG .

  11. 卵巢基质血流PSV与围排卵期的血清LH、VEGF和黄体中期的血清P、VEGF水平正相关。

    PSV of the ovarian stromal flow showed positive correlation with serum VEGF , LH in the pre-ovulating phase , and with serum P , VEGF in the mid-luteal phase .

  12. D型41例,虽然排卵期E2和黄体期P分泌正常,但E2和P分泌延迟消失,在月经前期均未能回复到正常;

    Type D ( 41 patients ): The secretion peak of E2 in ovulatory phase was normal but could not return to normal level in pre-menstrual period , in the mean time the secretion of P also deferred its disappearance .

  13. 18例IVF周期由于持续大量促性腺激素释放激素对垂体的降调节作用,在排卵期无FSH和LH峰。

    Because of down regulation of persistent high level of gonadotropin on pituitary , there was no surge in FSH and LH in ovulation phase of 18 IVF cycles .

  14. 根据性激素分泌类型不同分为5型:A型54例,E2和P分泌峰提前出现,P分泌时相延长,E2在排卵期分泌显著降低;

    According to the characteristics of the secretion , the patients were divided into five types . Type A ( 54 patients ): The secretion peak of E2 and P appeared beforehand and secretion of P was prolonged and E2 decreased significantly in ovulatory phase .

  15. 原发不孕、继发不孕症组近排卵期至黄体初期子宫内膜增厚缓慢,子宫动脉RI值增高。

    The endometrium was slowly thickened and the resistance index of the uterine artery was increased from the ovulation phase to the early luteal phase in the primary and secondary sterility groups .

  16. 结果:乳腺增生病患者排卵期LH、E2水平降低,PRL、PT水平升高,TT、FSH无显著变化。

    Results : Level of LH and E_2 decreased , PRL and PT increased and level of TT and FSH did not significantly change during ovulatory period in the patient of hyperplasia of mammary glands .

  17. 结果:排卵期睡眠潜伏期(SL)较黄体早期有延长趋势(19±18vs.9±6,p<0.10),但总体睡眠-觉醒节律参数在四期之间无统计学显著差异;

    Result : The variables of circadian sleep-wake pattern were similar in the four phases , except an increased tendency of the sleep latency in peri-ovulation phase compared with the early to mid-luteal phase ( 19 18 vs. 9 6 , p < 0.10 ) .

  18. 结果①围排卵期子宫动脉和卵巢基质血流PSV为A组>C组(P<0.05)。

    Results ① During the pre-ovulatory phase uterine arteries and ovarian stromal blood flow PSV in group A was significantly higher than that in group C ( P < ( 0.05 )) .

  19. 结果:正常月经周期、IVF周期宫颈粘液IL-1β具有相似的周期性变化规律,从卵泡期到排卵期宫颈粘液IL-1β水平逐渐增加,至排卵前1d达到高峰,排卵日下降。

    Results : There was similar periodic variational regularity in IL-1 β levels in cervical mucus during human normal menstrual cycle and IVF-ET cycle . IL-1 β levels gradually increased from follicular phase to ovulatory period , reached peak at 1 day before ovulation and decreased at ovulatory day .

  20. 妇女排卵期不正常就不易受孕。

    Women who do not ovulate regularly have difficulty in becoming pregnant .

  21. 竹习性的不同;排卵期与产卵期出现重叠。

    Difference of habitat ; The periods of ovulation and spawning overlaps .

  22. 排卵期75%出现舒张期血流;

    During ovulation , diastolic flow signal occurred in 75 % cases .

  23. 应用实时超声显象检测卵泡预告排卵期的研究

    The Applications of Ultrasonography for Monitoring Human Follicles and Prediction of Ovulation

  24. 不处于排卵期的女性的表现,则在行为上没有类似的变化。

    Women who were not ovulating showed no similar variation in behavior .

  25. 你看中的这个会不会正好在排卵期吧!

    Would you get a load of the ovulation on THAT one !

  26. 两项新的研究发现:女性在排卵期更会说谎。

    Two new studies find women more likely to cheat during ovulation .

  27. 22例围排卵期卵泡液生化成份分析及意义

    Analysis of biochemical components in follicular fluid from 22 cases during periovulatory period

  28. 目的探讨超声显像监测卵泡预告排卵期的价值。

    Objective To investigate the value of ultrasonography for monitoring follicles and predicting ovulation .

  29. 排卵期与产卵期出现重叠。

    The periods of ovulation and spawning overlaps .

  30. 研究发现接近排卵期的女性比不处于排卵期的女性更可能认为男性会进行性侵犯。

    Women nearing ovulation rated men as more coercive relative to women in the non-fertile phase .