
hòu jì zhě
  • successor;incomer;inheritor
  1. 这一讨论是在弗洛伊德的学生奥托·兰克,及其后继者诺尔曼·布朗、E·贝克尔的理论脉络里进行的;

    This discussion is on the theory of Otto Rank who is the student of Freud , and the successor Norman O Brown 、 E · Becker .

  2. 在关税暨贸易总协定(gatt)及其后继者世界贸易组织(wto)的协调下,世界各地的贸易关税壁垒一直在稳步下降。

    Tariff barriers across the world have been steadily lowered in trade deals brokered by GATT and its successor , the WTO .

  3. back:后继者keepaneyeon:留意,看好heart:心如果Blair要注意后继者,那么Serena就要看好自己的心了。

    If Blair 's gotta watch her back , Serena 's needs to keep an eye on her heart .

  4. 1998年“女孩时间”的后继者真命天女(Destiny'sChild)乐团第一次跻身“公告牌”百大金曲前五名时,碧昂斯才16岁。

    when the successor to Girls Tyme , Destiny 's Child , first cracked the Top 5 on the Billboard Hot 100 , in 1998 , Beyonc é was just 16 .

  5. 我们将采用TLS所提供的加密机制(SSL的后继者)来解决这个问题。

    You employ the encryption provided by TLS , the successor to SSL , to resolve this problem .

  6. 但是对于ERP实施后的效果,还有不少难尽人意之处,也让众多的后继者颇费踌躇。

    Implement result after to ERP , have many to try place of people 's will best while being difficult , let numerous successor person fee hesitate quite too .

  7. PEAK是TransWarp的后继者,是一个用Python开发的用于软件自动化的实验性工具包,是一个用于快速开发和重用应用程序组件的Python框架。

    PEAK , the successor to TransWarp , an experimental toolkit for software automation in Python , is a Python framework for rapidly developing and reusing application components .

  8. 随着之前的社区门户GotDotNet逐渐淡出人们视线,微软现在发布了MSDN代码馆,这是除CodePlex之后的另一个后继者。

    After GotDotNet , the former community portal , has been phased out , Microsoft now launches another successor in addition to CodePlex .

  9. 其中一位后继者吉米·金梅尔(JimmyKimmel)在美国广播公司主持自己的深夜脱口秀节目,金梅尔是如此地崇拜莱特曼,以至于他在周三夜间,为了不把观众的注意力从莱特曼那里吸引走,重播了一个旧集子。

    One acolyte , Jimmy Kimmel , the host of his own late-night talk show on ABC , was so worshipful he ran a rerun on Wednesday so as to not pull focus from Mr. Letterman .

  10. 沃霍尔是布洛德艺术馆的最爱,布洛德夫妇拥有他的34幅作品(本次展出了10幅),此外还有他在正规波普艺术中的后继者杰夫·昆斯(JeffKoons)的作品,布洛德夫妇是昆斯作品最大的私人藏家。

    He is a Broad favorite ; they own 34 pieces ( there are 10 here ) , as is his successor in formally polished Pop , Jeff Koons , of whose works the Broads have the greatest number in private hands .

  11. 他被誉为海明威与福克纳唯一的后继者。

    He is considered the only successor after Hemingway and Faulkner .

  12. 晶体管的现代后继者是集成电路。

    The modern successor to the transistor is the integrated circuit .

  13. 我们的失败可能是我们后继者获胜的开端。

    Our defeat may be the preface to our successor 's victory .

  14. 我曾考虑过让他当我这工作的后继者。

    I was set to name him as my successor .

  15. 这是我的,它属于斯巴达的后继者!

    It 's mine , it belongs to a son of Sparda !

  16. 孔德的后继者就是现代的实证论者。

    The intellectual heirs of Comte are the contemporary positivists .

  17. 这个协议束缚在每个党的各自后继者并且分配。

    This Agreement shall be binding upon each party 's respective successors and assigns .

  18. 其次,论述了我国如何引入后继者责任规则。

    Secondly , it discusses how to introduce the successor liability rules into China .

  19. 但是有迹象表明,SMAP已经被后继者取代。

    But there are signs that SMAP is already being replaced by its successors .

  20. 布劳格运用了自然的变异;而他的后继者们人为地创造着变异。

    Borlaug had used natural mutants ; soon his successors were bringing on mutations artificially .

  21. 深蓝及其后继者打败卡斯帕罗夫所用的是暴力破解技术。

    Deep Blue and its successors beat Mr Kasparov using the " brute force " technique .

  22. 他们所提供的典范执政,将永远使后继者获得高度的教育。

    Examples are presented which will always be found highly instructive and useful to their successors .

  23. 当下广东客家山歌夕阳正红,但是后继者亟待培养。

    Now Guangdong Hakka 's Folk Song is ancient and energetic , and successors are needed urgently .

  24. 黄节保存和发扬国粹的精神,得到后继者的发扬光大。

    Huang Jie promoted and preserved the national essence , that made the successors to flourish it .

  25. 其极为成功的后继者《谜2》展示了一幅巨大的泛文化的七彩织锦,并混入了摇滚音乐元素。

    The smashing follow-up , ENIGMA 2 , revealed a broad pan-cultural tapestry filled with rock flourishes .

  26. 对于中央银行里面他的当代后继者而言,这显然是个必须考虑的因素。

    For his modern successors in the central banks , this has been , understandably , a defining consideration .

  27. 捐赠者也不会想看到全部资金都投入这些研究活动,却没有余钱来鼓励那些卓越的后继者。

    Donors would not want all the money to go to those efforts and leave none to encourage superior successors .

  28. 日本的不同在于,亏损一代代往下传,后继者帮前任老板隐藏亏损。

    The difference in Japan is that losses get handed down across generations , hidden on behalf of previous bosses .

  29. 后继者祖冲之利用割圆术得出了正确的小数点后七位。

    the student surpasses the teacher . Lat-er , with Liu 's method , Zu Chongzhi determined pi to 7 digits .

  30. 此协议将被捆绑至后继者,个人代表和当事人的有资格的接任者。

    1 this Agreement shall be binding on the heirs , personal representatives and successors in title of the parties hereto .