
dǎ tiě
  • forge iron;work as a blacksmith
打铁 [dǎ tiě]
  • [forge iron] 锻炼烧红的钢铁,做成器物

打铁[dǎ tiě]
  1. 打铁先得本身硬。

    [ 谚 ] If you want to work with iron , you must be tough yourself -- one must be ideologically sound and professionally competent to do arduous work .

  2. 打铁意味着你是最好的球员,你是30000分先生,你是MVP,还有留下的无数纪录。

    Da tie means you are the best player , Mr 30000 , the MVP and so many legacies of you 。

  3. 带他去打铁房看看那些器具。

    Take him to the forge and show him the instruments .

  4. 两个人在轮流打铁干活。

    Two men were working , hitting the anvil in turn .

  5. 打铁还需自身硬。

    The metal itself must be hard to be turned into iron .

  6. 我想你爹一定是个打铁的。

    I bet your father must be a blacksmith .

  7. 当铁足够得热得时候,你就可以打铁让它成型。

    They would get the iron really hot so they could shape it .

  8. 打铁意味着你投失了一球

    Da tie means miss the shot 。

  9. 美国贸易政策的过时架构在很大程度上反映了昔日那种敲铜打铁的经济。

    The old-fashioned architecture of US trade policy largely reflects the metal-bashing economy of the past .

  10. 您若是不信,大可把君临每一家打铁铺都走过一遍,自己比较比较。

    Visit every forge in King 's Landing if you like , and compare for yourself .

  11. 在现实生活中,打铁要趁热.铁热了

    In life , you gotta strike while the iron 's hot . Iron is hot .

  12. 在周淑钧父亲手下做打铁的学徒时,吴伯鸿与周淑钧相爱。

    As an apprentice ironing of Zhou Shujun 's father , he fell in love with Zhou .

  13. “打铁”是中文,意思是如果你投篮,你会听到“duang”的声音。

    Da tie is Chinese . That means if you shot , you can get the voice of duang .

  14. 随后森林狼重新换上詹姆斯和加内特,火箭则重新开始打铁。

    But then the Timberwolves returned James and Garnett to the floor and the Rockets went back to launching jumpers .

  15. 我在县城做了三年打铁工。回村后,想办个粮食加工厂。

    After being a blacksmith for three years , I came back to my hometown to found a food process factory .

  16. 我记得乔在打铁时,总喜欢断断续续地哼一首歌,歌中的叠句反复唱着“老克莱门”。

    There was a song Joe used to hum fragments of at the forge , of which the burden was Old Clem .

  17. 现在的越王山上还有乾坤石、面壁岩、古寨门、打铁场等遗迹。

    Now the promoted the mountain and attribute of stone , side wall rocks , the ancient village gate , iron fields relics .

  18. 我伏在乔宽大的肩头上,胸中的心在怦怦地跳着,真像铁匠打铁时的铁锤声。

    With my heart thumping like a blacksmith at Joe 's broad shoulder , I looked all about for any sign of the convicts .

  19. 即使你是无限制用名人堂球员的专家。过度的运球+投篮受干扰+干拔,10次中的9次投篮你将会打铁,然后选择一个糟糕的投篮,你的比赛评分就会下降。

    Over dribbled + smothered + pull up , you 'd brick that 9.9/10 times and then get hit with a bad shot selection teammate grade drop .

  20. 勇士高歌猛进的同时,爵士却在对手的强力防守下亦步亦趋,前10次两分球出手全部打铁,首节25投仅6中。

    Meanwhile , the Jazz offense slumped against a locked in Warriors defense , missing their first 10 two-point shots and going only 6-of-25 in the first quarter .

  21. 评论:早期克罗恩病的生物学维持治疗比晚期更有效:抗肿瘤坏死因子打铁要趁热?

    Editorial : Improved Efficacy of Biological Maintenance Therapy in " Early " Compared With " Late " Crohn 's Disease : Strike While the Iron Is Hot With Anti-TNF Agents ?

  22. 就我现在所能想起的,她对我们打铁这个行业的一切专门术语、活计名称以及各种工具都了如指掌。

    For , I called to mind now , that she was equally accomplished in the terms of our trade , and the names of our different sorts of work , and our various tools .

  23. 但是当打铁转变成为一种艺术之后,它的真正的魅力才会闪现。这些艺术形式包括创造定制的装饰品,配饰一些比较上乘的珠宝。

    But the true magic of blacksmithing can happen when one transitions into " Artist Blacksmithing . " This art form allows the creation of custom-made decorations , ornaments , and some rather fine jewelry .

  24. 然而尽管欧文在今天两分球手感爆棚22中16,他的三分球手感却始终和他躲猫猫,全场7投全失,其中第7投恰恰是这记最后26秒时的打铁。

    But despite Irving 's offensive exploits on this night - he was 16-of-22 on two-point shots - he was 0-of-7 from three . That seventh miss came with 26 seconds left when he left the pull-back 3 short .

  25. 决胜关头,凯尔-科沃尔底角接球,投出空位三分——如果命中,骑士就能在最后一分钟手握5分优势,而且科沃尔也能抹去他整个生涯季后赛的种种悲惨记忆——不幸的是,神射手打铁了。

    On the ensuing possession , Kyle Korver got a decent look at a 3 from the corner , which would 've climbed the Cavaliers back up five with less than a minute left . But the sharpshooter bricked the shot that will likely haunt his offseason memories .