
  • 网络Advanced degree;Higher degree
  1. 25%至30%的标准普尔500公司CEO拥有其他高级学位,如博士学位或法律学位。

    Between 25 % and 30 % of SP 500 CEOs have another type of advanced degree , like a PhD or law degree .

  2. 没有哪个特别的研究领域或高级学位是成功的先决条件,但我们寻找的是以成功为目标的人。

    No particular field of study or advanced degree is a prerequisite to success , but we look for achievement oriented people .

  3. 所以,我们可以肯定地说,这些高管中有相当大一部分拥有MBA学位或其他高级学位。大公司高管与董事会成员之间的相似性,引发了人们对于多元化的担忧。

    It 's safe to assume that a sizable portion of these executives have MBAs or other advanced degrees.Such similarities among large company executives and board members raises concerns about diversity .

  4. Intel表示,在该公司招工的美国大学,逾半数拥有工程、科学与数学高级学位的毕业生来自外国,他们却很难得到工作签证或居留许可。

    Intel says that at US universities where it recruits , more than half of graduates with advanced degrees in engineering , science and maths are foreign-born but struggle to get work visas or residency permits .

  5. 多数老板会给求取高级学位的员工出钱。

    Many employers offer tuition assistance for employees who seek advanced degrees .

  6. 过去二十年间,通向高级学位的课程雨后春笋般地增长。

    Programs leading to advanced degrees have mushroomed enormously in the past two decades .

  7. 每三年,皇帝都要在这儿为追求高级学位的学者们举行殿试。

    Every three years the emperor held a palace examination in this hall for scholars pursuing high literary degrees .

  8. 学生们即使在对传统学术方法知之甚少或根本不懂的情况下也可能获得英语方面的高级学位。

    It is possible for students to obtain advanced degrees in English while knowing little or nothing about traditional scholarly methods .

  9. 高级学位;物理学的高级课本;大学高年级学生组成的小团体特别研究会。

    An advanced degree ; an advanced text in physics ; special seminars for small groups of advanced students at the University .

  10. 我母亲有一个教授法语的高级学位,她把她所有的精力都用于养育我们这一大家人。

    My mother , who had an advanced degree to teach French , devoted all her energies to rearing a large family .

  11. 这与一般大学里的小组交流课有些类似,但主持研讨会的教师都拥有高级学位,而不像一般大学那样由在读研究生来主持。

    Kind of like breakout sessions , except that the teachers all will hold advanced degrees , rather than be current graduate students .

  12. 也许他们想先把财务问题或者事业搞定,先找到合适的伴侣或者完成其他大事,比如念个高级学位或者环球旅行。

    Perhaps they want to get their finances or career in order first , find the right partner or take on other big projects like an advanced degree or world travel .

  13. 提出通过攻读高级学位和参加科学研究,参加编辑、计算机和网络技术等各种学习班来实现科技期刊编辑学者化。

    The editor should study a higher degree , take part in scientific research and the edit , computer and network learning and so on , realize " editorial scholarization " of scientific and technological periodical .

  14. 所以,如果你已经工作了几年,还应该辞掉工作去进修高级学位来提升自我吗?

    So if youve been working for a few years , should you leave your job to pursue an advanced degree and to improve your skills , only to return to find that you have to start at the bottom again ?

  15. 教育博士(Ed.D)是专业教育博士(ProfessionalDoctorateinEducation)的缩写,是一种专业博士学位,是在教育学这个学科上的高级专业学位,其目的是培养实践导向的教育类高级专门人才。

    Ed.D. & the abbreviation of Professional Doctorate in Education , is a professional doctorate . It is an advanced professional degree in the field of education , aiming to cultivate the practice-oriented senior specialized talents of education .

  16. 这也提出了有关EMBA课程的有趣问题——这些极其昂贵的高级管理学位项目正日益成为许多商学院的旗舰项目——因为这些项目的成功依赖授课教授的支持。

    This also raises interesting questions in relation to executive MBAs - those hugely expensive senior management degrees that are increasingly proving to be the flagship programmes of many business schools - because the programmes " success depends on the support of the professors involved .

  17. 参加一门培训课程,或干脆考取更高级的学位,以此来得到更持久的技能来武装自己。

    Take a class or even get an advanced degree to arm yourself with skills that are more enduring .

  18. 博士学位:属于高级研究学位,入读此类学位凡是需要已经取得硕士或声誉学士学位、资格查核、撰写论文和答辩。

    Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD ): an advanced research degree , generally with requirements including previous Honors or Master degree , qualifying examinations , and preparation and defense of a dissertation .

  19. 美国弱势群体学生在接受高等教育渠道的各个关键时期(高中毕业、大学入学、大学毕业、研究生和高级职业学位入学、研究生和高级学位毕业)都处于明显的不利地位。

    American Vulnerable Groups students are obviously on a sticky wicket on every critical period receiving high education & graduation from high middle school , entrance to university , graduation from university , entrance to postgraduate school and high profession degree , graduation from postgraduate school and high degree .

  20. 在一个商业研究所工作了一年以后,我认识到在以后的商业活动中,拥有一个更高级的专业学位将给与我强大的力量。

    In a commercial work of the Institute for a year , I realize that in the future business activities , have a more advanced professional degree and I will give a powerful force .