
tiě zhēn
  • anvil
  1. 订书机上的铁砧安装错位

    The anvil onto which the staples are pressed was not assemble correctly .

  2. 随着NBA选秀的临近,姚明左脚伤势的严峻事实像一块铁砧悬在休斯敦火箭上空。

    As the NBA draft approached , the grim truth about Yao Ming 's ( notes ) broken left foot hung like an anvil over the Houston Rockets .

  3. 他们正在铁砧上将两片金属加工在一起。

    They are working two pieces of metal together on the anvil .

  4. 那还不如用大铁锤打铁砧。

    It would be worse than beating an anvil with a sledge hammer .

  5. 铁匠在铁砧上打成了一个马蹄铁。

    The blacksmith shaped a horseshoe on his anvil .

  6. 这可与一块放在铁砧上受挤压的铁相比照。

    This was compared with a block of iron squeezed on an anvil .

  7. 一个用铁锤和铁砧铸造和定型铁块的人。

    A smith who forges and shapes iron with a hammer and anvil .

  8. 麦克讨厌有铁砧落在他的头上。

    Mike abhored having anvils dropped on his head .

  9. 在何种铁砧上?以何等可怖的抓擢?

    What the anvil ? What dread grasp ?

  10. 他们让水滴进倾斜的烧红的铁砧筒里。

    They allowed water to drip down a sloping , red-hot , iron gun-barrel .

  11. 英雄在痛苦的铁砧上成的

    Neroes are forged on anvils hot with pain

  12. 顷刻间,葵花状的云边变得像铁砧一样平展,云层也露出了更黑的本色。

    Soon themarshmallow rims flatten to anvil tops , and the clouds revealtheir darker nature .

  13. 天气仍然很好,她走在路上,地面像铁砧一样,在她的脚下铮铮直响。

    The weather was still favourable , the ground ringing under her feet like an anvil .

  14. 我现在明白反讽就像用卡通铁砧去打击你,但

    I know the irony strikes like with the force of a cartoon anvil now , but

  15. 这位铁匠的全套工具是由锻炉、铁砧、铁锤等组成的。

    This black-smith 's stock in trade consisted of a forge , anvil , hammers , etc.

  16. 我现在知道,这种人生的反讽,有着卡通片里大铁砧般的巨大打击力。

    I know that the irony strikes with the force of a cartoon anvil , now .

  17. 小铁匠的生财设备是锻炉、铁砧、铁锤等等。

    The young blacksmith 's stock in trade consisted of a forge , anvil , hammers , etc.

  18. 非洲有可能成为中国锻造新外交政策的铁砧。

    Africa could be the anvil on which a new Chinese foreign policy begins to be forged .

  19. 我现在明白了反讽就像用卡通铁砧去打击你,但……

    I know the irony strikes like with the force of a cartoon anvil now , but ...

  20. 顷刻间,棉花糖状的云彼岸变得像铁砧一样平展,云层也露出了阴暗的本来面目。

    Soon the marshmallow rims flatten to anvil tops , and the clouds reveal their darker nature .

  21. 一个矮人玩家的角色将起始于战神铁砧的丹莫罗山。

    A dwarven player character will start under the Dun Morogh Mountains in the town of Anvil Marr ;

  22. 生命犹如铁砧,愈被敲打,愈能发出火花。

    Life is like the anvil , the more to be beat , the more able to spark .

  23. 一把手艺上好的剑在铁砧上接受的锤链,绝不少于战场上承受的打击。

    A finely crafted blade will never meet as many blows on the battlefield as it did on the anvil .

  24. 铁砧顶端平整光滑用来锤锻金属成型的厚重的钢块或铁块现在大部分是匀整的半翻着的燥裂的泥块。

    A heavy block of iron or steel with a smooth , flat top on which metals are shaped by hammering .

  25. 奥雷连诺就把这个名字记在小纸片上,贴在铁砧底儿上。

    Aureliano wrote the name on a piece of paper that he pasted to the base of the small anvil : stake .

  26. 他希望在哪座城堡生活,以及…她想要嫁给哪个男人.一个北境人,生着如铁砧般坚毅的下巴.

    The castle she wanted to live in and the man that she wanted to marry . A northerner with a jaw like an anvil .

  27. 铁匠将一块铁放在他的铁砧上,然后提起锤子,然而建造者吸收了铁的光泽,铁变成了黄金。

    Didst then the smith put an ingot upon his anvil , and lift his hammer , and didst then the Builder breathe upon the ingot , that it became gold .

  28. 铁砧:一小块经过研磨和抛光的铁块,附于千分尺上面作为平直固定的测量参考点。

    ANVIL : A small piece of ground and lapped steel attached to the frame of a micrometer ; serves as a flat , fixed point from which measurements can be taken .

  29. 我卸除脑袋里的咒语(咒语有如无形的铁砧,压在我身上),搁在身边的地板上。

    I took the mantra off the top of my head ( where it had been pressing down on me like an invisible anvil ) and set it on the floor beside me .

  30. 当暖湿气流达到云层顶部时,会被挤出云层,这股气流会翻过巨大的铁砧形雷雨云。

    When it reaches the top of the cloud mass , the air gets spit out at the top . This air is sent rolling out over the big , anvil shaped head of the thunderclouds .