
duǎn xùn bān
  • short-term training course
短训班 [duǎn xùn bān]
  • [shotr-term training course] 短期的培训班

短训班[duǎn xùn bān]
  1. 他们被轮流派往短训班学习。

    They are sent in turn to attend short-term training course .

  2. 他所说的关于短训班的事对你更有吸引力吗?

    Did what he said about the short-term training course appeal to you ?

  3. 短训班办了三期。

    The short-term training class has been run three times .

  4. 他们办短训班培养技术干部。

    They train technical cardres in short course .

  5. 为此,他们办了短训班和夜校。

    For this they are running short-term courses and evening classes .

  6. 为此他们办了短训班和夜校。

    For this they ate running short-term courses and evening classes .

  7. 他们被派到医院去参加短训班。

    They were sent to hospitals to attend short-term training courses .

  8. 我们为教师办的为时一天的短训班。

    The one-day schools that we run for teachers .

  9. 我们计划办一些短训班。

    We plan to run some short-term training .

  10. 我们办短训班培养技术干部。在哥伦比亚大学参加一个短训班学习。

    They train technical cadres in short courses . We will be given a short training course at Columbia University .

  11. 在哥伦比亚大学参加一个短训班学习。中途我在伦敦停留,参加一个会议。

    We will be given a short training course at Columbia University . I stopped off in London to attend a conference .

  12. 食品卫生教育通过两条途径进行,一是举办短训班,二是医学院校增加有关食品卫生课程。

    There were two ways for the education of food hygiene : Short term course teaching class for food hygiene in medical college .

  13. 现在让我们学习一个跟短袜有关的短语:在哥伦比亚大学参加一个短训班学习。

    Now let 's learn one idiom that is to do with @ socks @ : We will be given a short training course at Columbia University .

  14. 所以,我推荐我们的同学们,如果你们还没有这个机会上他们的课,应该去报名,参加下个短训班。

    Hence , I would recommend for those of our students who have not had the chance to attend their lessons , to enlist in the next course .