
duǎn gōng
  • casual laborer;seasonal laborer;odd-job man
短工 [duǎn gōng]
  • [labourer on shortterm basis;casual labourer;seasonal labourer] 临时的雇工

  • 打短工

短工[duǎn gōng]
  1. 大多数制造商不得不推行短工时工作制。

    Most manufacturers have had to introduce short-time working .

  2. 甚至欧洲央行(ecb)也积极投入到争论中来,称缩短工时将推迟经济复苏。

    Even the European Central Bank has waded into the debate , saying short-time working will delay the recovery .

  3. 曾有消息称,NBA超级巨星韦德将与CBA球队浙江广厦雄狮签订一份月薪200万美元的合同,保罗和安东尼也同样被这种到中国“打短工”的机会吸引。

    NBA superstar Dwayne Wade was linked to a $ 2 million-per-month deal with the Zhejiang Guangsha lions of the CBA , and Chris Paul and Carmelo Anthony were similarly enticed by the opportunity to " double dip " in China .

  4. 比利可不是来给你当短工的。

    Billy doesn 't have to do all your chores .

  5. 能在短工期和压力下工作。

    Able to work under short deadlines and stressful situations .

  6. 后来,他靠打短工谋生。

    He then earned his living by doing all kinds of odd jobs .

  7. 他靠打短工度日。

    He earned a living by casual labour .

  8. 如果你的确需要招募很多自由职业者来为你打短工,那么你或许考虑过,干脆把服务外包流程也外包出去。

    If you do much hiring of freelancers , you 've probably considered outsourcing the outsourcing .

  9. 许多学生在招贴栏或路灯杆上贴广告,想寻找一份短工。

    Many students put up advertisements on bulletin boards or lamp posts to search for odd jobs .

  10. 采用此法,可缩短工期、提高工效、降低成本。

    This technique has such advantages as shortening time limit , enhancing production rate and decreasing cost .

  11. 该项技术可缩短工期,降低费用,提高安装的平稳性。

    This technology has such advantages as lowering construction time , decreasing costs and improving installation stationarity .

  12. 护士们不但要求加工资,而且还要求缩短工时。(倒装)

    Not only do the nurses want a pay rise , but also they want reduced hours .

  13. 未婚儿子可以去城市打短工,但他一定要回来。

    The unmarried son may leave for stretches of city work , but he is bound to return .

  14. 我国农村短工荒的经济学分析

    An Analysis of " Scarce Casual Laborers " in the Countryside of China form the Angle of Economics

  15. 这段期间,一个临时工作机构安排我做些短工。

    In the meantime , I 'm working for a temp agency , which gives me short-term assignments .

  16. 中国的建筑工人,矿工以及短工人群等具备所有传播艾滋病的可能。

    China 's construction workers , miners and casual laborers have all the ingredients for HIV to spread .

  17. 受访者:第四个项目是工作保障,第五个是短工时。

    Interviewee : The fourth item was job security , and the fifth was shorter work hours , OK ?

  18. 这些门是为老百姓入城做小买卖、打短工、走亲戚用的。

    These gates are built for the residents in Beijing to do business , come to work and visit relatives .

  19. 我却不能不租一组犁地的马和雇一个短工,但掌犁的还是我自己。

    I was obliged to hire a team and a man for the plowing , though I held the plow myself .

  20. 短工把腌件留下来,交给农场主的老婆,她把它们炸了留做晚餐用。

    The farm hand saved the parts and took them to the farmer 's wife who cooked them up for supper .

  21. 与从罗马到伦敦等各国政府一样,它们担心不得不做出或忍受第二轮缩短工时的决定。

    They like their political counterparts from Rome to London fear having to make or endure a second round of cuts .

  22. 瑞典各处此前都开始过缩短工时的试验,但尚未普及。

    Various parts of Sweden have experimented with shorter working hours before , but the concept has yet to take off .

  23. 团结村还有许多人谈到,要为了生计离开此地,到景洪市打短工。

    Many others in Tuanjie spoke of plans to leave and take jobs as day laborers in Jinghong to make ends meet .

  24. 因而要对施工工序及施工组织做优化的方案,以便缩短工期,节省投资。

    Therefore , it is necessary to optimize the working process and construction organization so as to shorten construction period and save investment .

  25. 据报道,当地工人抗议活动爆发起因在于一些季节性短工要求中方提供更好的合同,以得到更好的收入及其他条件的改善。

    The labor protest started when the plant 's seasonal workers demanded contracts that offer better pay and better conditions , according to reports .

  26. 设一项工程的正常工期为T天,通过对所有可能的工序赶工,整个工程能达到的最短工期为S天。

    Let us assume that the normal time limit for the project is T days and the shortest time by fast working is S days .

  27. 实行突变管理,在项目预算中准备应急费用,是追求项目最终目标(高质量、短工期、低成本)的一种有效途径。

    Contingency management , together with contingency funds , included in the project budget , is an effective way to realize the ultimate project objectives .

  28. 我还可以到处截卡车坐,最好能在黑龙江上干几天船夫什么的短工。

    I can hitchhike everywhere , and it would be best if I got a little temporary work on a boat or something during my trip .

  29. 我做过的另一份暑期短工是在一家制药厂制造润滑啫哩。在当时那个年纪,我对人们为何使用这种产品只是一知半解。

    Another summer job was working in a pharmaceutical factory making lubricant jelly . At that age I was only vaguely aware why people used it .

  30. 结果证明盖挖法施工隧道洞口浅埋段对环境影响小,并可缩短工期、减少投资。

    It indicates that shallow buried portal section can be finished by cover-cut method with small influence on environment , and with short constriction time and low investment .