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  1. 拥有装备精良的庞大部队,沙皇国令所有国度不敢小觑。

    The Tsardom of Moscow is truly force to be reckoned with as it has a vast army of well equipped troops .

  2. 之后从适用机关、适用条件和性质等方面比较了各国制度的不同及其与我国禁止令制度的差异。

    The following compares the different nations ' systems from the applicable authority , applicable conditions . Then discuss the differences of its prohibition order system between China and other nations .

  3. 一些非欧佩克成员的产油国也令石油市场失望不已,比如,墨西哥和俄罗斯等国投资不足以及油田老化的状况制约了原油产量。

    The world oil market has also learned to be disappointed with non-OPEC producers , as underinvestment and aging oil fields in places such as Mexico and Russia have crimped crude production .

  4. 美国总统布什说,他相信与伊拉克当局就未来驻伊美军地位问题的协议会在联合国授权令于十二月三十一号到期前得以通过。

    Bush ' Hopeful ' for Agreement on US Forces in Iraq U.S. President George Bush says he is confident an agreement with Baghdad on the future status of American forces in Iraq can be approved before their U.N. mandate expires on December 31 .

  5. 从周代以来,国家已经在道路上设置候馆、邮亭、驿站、递所等各种形式的设施,以便于城乡之间的远近交流和国家政令文书的上传下递。

    Since Zhou Dai , the state has set up on road , waiting hall , post , pass the postal kiosks and other forms of facilities , in order to facilitate exchanges between urban and rural areas and the national order and document upload handed .

  6. 一国提供给令一国的援助(比如经济或军事上的援助)。

    Aid ( such as economic or military assistance ) provided to one nation by another .

  7. 中华人民共和国交通部令(2003年第8号)

    Order of the Ministry of Communications of the People 's Republic of China ( No.8 of Year 2003 )

  8. 交通建设项目环境保护管理办法(中华人民共和国交通部令2003年第5号令发布)

    Administration Methods of Environmental Protection in Transport Construction Item ( 5th Order Issued by the Ministry of Communications P.R.C.in2003 )

  9. 美国大使约翰-博尔顿谴责叙利亚和伊朗违反联合国武器禁运令,向黎巴嫩输送武器。

    US ambassador John Bolton is accusing Syria and Iran of violating a UN arms embargo and sending weapons to lebanon .

  10. 本文拟针对审判实践中适用临时禁止令存在的问题,就我国临时禁止令制度的完善进行论述。

    In allusion to the existent problems with its application , this article is aimed to discuss the improvement of the injunction in the Chinese legal system .

  11. 因此对我国海事强制令制度进行理论上的探讨以对该制度提出予以完善的立法建议具有相当重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is of great importance that we discuss the maritime injunction in theory and then put forward some legislative suggestions in order to improve it .

  12. 经历了15个年头艰难曲折的谈判之后,2001年中国如愿以偿地成为世界贸易组织的成员国,从而令中国经济进一步与国际经济接轨和并轨,这意味着我国市场将进一步成为国际市场的组成部分。

    Through 15 years hard and heated negotiation , China became the member of WTO in 2001 . The dream became true , so that Chinese economy connects with the international deeply , meaning that Chinese market has became the part of the international market .

  13. 很显然,工业国的紧缩风潮令我们感到不安。

    Our anxiety about an austerity drive in industrialised countries is clear .

  14. 论我国刑事诉讼处罚令程序之构建

    On Constructing Punishment Procedure In China 's Criminal Action

  15. 我国应借鉴保护令制度防治家庭暴力

    On the necessity for China to prevent family violence in reference to the orders of protection

  16. 由于亚洲多数经济体都是燃料净进口国,上述局面令亚洲尤其受益。

    Asia in particular is poised to benefit as most economies in the region are net importers of fuels .

  17. 本章主要讨论了英国玛瑞瓦禁令的正当性,从正当性视角出发,将其与我国的海事强制令进行了比较,并进而分析了海事强制令正当性问题。

    This chapter discusses the legitimacy of Mareva Injunction which is compared with maritime injunction in China from the view point of legitimacy .

  18. 这样,西班牙就可以贬值货币,进而立即增加该国的竞争力,令经济恢复增长。

    That would permit a devaluation that would , at a stroke , increase Spain 's competitiveness and allow the economy to grow again .

  19. 单一国家历法体系被打破,从此民国历法开始向双历法结构发展。新旧历法并行于一国之内,自然令社会产生诸多变化。

    Single national calendar system is broken , Calendar-Reform run to " dual calendar structure " . Both calendars are parallel within one country , the natural community to produce many changes .

  20. 某些伊拉克官员承认,这些改动要美国方面接受是很困难的,因此有可能会寻求联合国延长部队授权令。

    Some Iraqi officials have acknowledged that these changes will be difficult for the United States to accept , leaving open the possibility of seeking an extension of the U.N. forces mandate .

  21. 几十年来,我国创造出了令世界瞩目的经济发展业绩,但背后却隐藏着经济与社会、环境、资源之间极其复杂的深层矛盾。

    For decades , our country has created a performance of economic development that attracts the worldwide attentions , but the deep contradictions hidden behind the economy and society , environment , resources are extremely complex .

  22. 十七年前,中国的法律援助制度刚刚建立,步履蹒跚:十七年后,中国的法律援助制度取得了可喜的进步,让国人欣喜,令国外瞩目。

    Seventeen years ago , Chinese legal aid cause was in its infancy , and walked with a stagger ; Seventeen years later , it has got tremendous achievements , making Chinese rejoicing and foreigners looking at us with new eyes .

  23. 近十多年来,在我国的经济以令世界瞩目的速度增长、居民人均收入的不断提高这个大背景下,我国的收入差距问题日渐凸现。

    The past 10 years , the economy growth rate of China has attracted worldwide attention and the capita income of residents is continuous improvement , at the same time , the issue of the income gap in China has gradually emerged .

  24. 一九四三年,同盟国准备进攻西西里岛。英国情报机关于是设法蒙骗轴心国,令他们以为盟军要进攻的是其他地方。

    In1943 , the Allies were getting ready to invade Sicily , and British Intelligence were looking for a way to deceive the Axis powers into thinking that the invasion would take place elsewhere .