
  • 网络treasury bond investment;national debt investment
  1. 政府经济职能的定位与国债投资方向的判断

    Fuction of the Government in Market-Oriented Economy and Direction of National Debt Investment

  2. 试析目前国债投资发展迅猛之原因

    A Brief Analysis of the Cause of Rapid Development in National Debt Investment

  3. 从1998年以来的历史看,我国实行的扩张性财政政策存在挤出效应,国债投资对经济增长的带动作用远未达到通过西方乘数理论或、IS-LM模型计算得到的理论值。

    On the history from 1998 , the expansionary financial policy in our country has crowding-out effect and the driving effect of T-bills investment to economy growth is far from the theoretic value got by multiplier theory or IS-LM model .

  4. 农网建设与改造国债投资分析&行业系列分析之四

    Analysis of Treasury Bonds Investment on the Construction and Reconstruction of Rural

  5. 农林水利业国债投资分析&行业系列分析之一

    Analysis of Treasury Bonds Investment on agriculture , Forestry and Water Conservancy

  6. 交通通信业国债投资分析&行业系列分析之二

    Analysis of Treasury bonds Investment on Transportation and Communication Sectors

  7. 国债投资的利率风险免疫研究让物业管理各方共同面对装修风险

    Study on the Immunization of Interest Risk of the Investment in Government Bonds

  8. 国债投资有效地促进了经济增长。

    The state debt investment effectively promoted economic growth .

  9. 论国债投资的政府积弊及其矫正

    On Abuse of China Government Securities Investment and Correcting

  10. 国债投资调控法基本制度研究

    A Study on Basic System of Control Law of Investment with National Bonds

  11. 国债投资的方向调整与结构优化

    Direction and structure adjustment of national debt investment

  12. 推进城镇化:我国国债投资思路的新选择

    Promote Urbanization : A New Choice of Our National Debt ( ND ) INVEST

  13. 经济适用房建设国债投资分析&行业系列分析之六

    Analysis of Treasury Bonds Investment on the Construction of Generally Affordable and Functional Housing

  14. “用活两大存量”,即用活国债投资存量和粮食风险基金存量;

    We plan to make better use of treasury bonds and the grain risk fund ;

  15. 其次,主体部分提出了国债投资调控法的概念与特征,并从宏观调控法的角度论述了国债投资调控法的经济学基础、法理学基础。

    Secondly , the concept and features of macro-control law of investment with national bonds .

  16. 论国债投资基金

    On Public Debt Investment Fund

  17. 国债投资是积极财政政策的主要内容。

    The national bond ( abri . NB ) investment is the majority of the active policy .

  18. 国民经济对国债投资的依赖程度在不断加强;

    2 , the increase of the reliance of the nation 's economy on the national debt investment ;

  19. 通过发行政策性金融债券投资来拉动经济增长,相对于政府国债投资有诸多优势。

    And cooperate to government bond investment float political financial bonds investment to pull economy growth has many advantages .

  20. 保持国债投资的必要规模,带动固定资产投资较快增长。

    Maintaining the necessary level of investment from treasury bonds to stimulate a relatively rapid growth of fixed-asset investment .

  21. 国债投资是一种风险性投资,有很多的因素可能使得国债的预期收益减少甚至损失。

    Treasury bond is a risk investment , there are many factors that makes the expected return may be reduced .

  22. 国债投资基金是一种以国债为主要投资对象的共同基金。

    Public debt investment fund required by the public debt market in China takes public debt as the chief target of investment .

  23. 本文在第三部分中详细分析了常见的国债投资风险和国债价格的影响因素。

    The third part of this paper analyzes the risk of treasury bond and the factors that impact the treasury bond pricing .

  24. 同样,许多中国官员对我国的巨额财政赤字怨声载道,并担心中国对美国国债投资的安全。

    Similarly , many Chinese officials complain about our huge fiscal deficits and worry about the safety of Chinese investments in US Treasury bonds .

  25. 利用产出弹性和边际产量分析了国债投资对当期经济增长的贡献;

    This paper analyses the contribution of infrastructure invested by national debts on economic growth in the same years with the productive elasticity and marginal product ;

  26. 国债投资是国家的一项宏观经济政策,在经济学理论研究的基础上,需要宏观调控法进行规范,本文正是从宏观调控法的视角论述了国债投资调控的基本制度。

    As a macro - economy policy , Investment with national bonds , with the help of study of economic theory , needs regulation of macro-control law .

  27. 第三部分为养老基金主要投资工具中风险的防范与管理。主要内容有:存款和国债投资的风险管理、股票投资的风险管理等;

    The third part discusses how to control and manage these different kinds of risks , including the main principles of investment , risk management of the main investment tools .

  28. 在扩大国债投资的同时,还要采取措施用活用好其他国内资金,引导和鼓励社会投资。

    While expanding investments from treasury bonds , we will take measures to utilize funds from other domestic sources effectively and to direct and encourage investments from all sectors of society .

  29. 中国国家外汇管理局局长易纲暗示,中国对于进一步扩大黄金购买量的意愿或许有限,并就中国作为美国国债投资国的问题发表了安抚性言论。

    China 's chief foreign-exchange regulator suggested the country 's appetite for further gold purchases may be limited and offered soothing words about China 's role as an investor in U.S. Treasurys .

  30. 第四部分主要介绍现阶段我国社保基金主要的投资工具,通过对银行存款、国债投资、股票投资等投资工具的优点、缺点的分析。

    The fourth part is mainly on the investment tools that China 's social security fund has been involved at present , analyzing on the pros and cons of different investment tools .