
  • 网络national cultural security
  1. 国家文化安全在国家整体安全中的地位举足轻重。

    National cultural security in the country is very important of the overall safety .

  2. 大学文化安全是整个国家文化安全的重要组成部分。

    Cultural security in universities makes an important part of the national cultural security .

  3. 高等教育国际化与跨文化交际中的国家文化安全问题

    National Culture Security in the Internationalization of Higher Education and Cross-cultural Communication

  4. 试论国家文化安全的内涵、特点和作用

    On Contents , Features and Functions of National Culture Security

  5. 跨文化交际中的国家文化安全问题

    The Security Problem of Nations ' Culture in Intercultural Communication

  6. 全球化中的高等教育与国家文化安全

    Higher Education and Security of National Culture under Globalization

  7. 20世纪中国国家文化安全问题形成于鸦片战争。

    The security problem of Chinese national culture emerged in the Opium War .

  8. 经济全球化与我国国家文化安全问题

    Economic Globalization and Issues of China 's Cultural Security

  9. 第二部分论述国家文化安全的地位。

    The second part deals with the position of the State Culture Security .

  10. 图书馆应为国家文化安全加把锁

    Library Should Guarantee State Culture Security in China

  11. 经济全球化使国家文化安全观发生了战略性转变,文化安全在国家安全中的战略地位提升。

    Economic Globalization changes the notion of national culture security and promotes its strategic status .

  12. 全球化趋势下的国家文化安全和爱国主义教育

    The Education on Patriotism and the Safety of National Culture in the Process of Globalization

  13. 因此,国家文化安全已成为我国必须面对重大战略问题。

    Therefore national cultural security has become a major strategic issue China has to face .

  14. 解析国家文化安全的基本内容

    The Content of National Cultural Securities

  15. 随着全球化的到来,国家文化安全问题已经日益显现出来。

    Along with the arrival of globalization , problems of security of nation culture are appearing .

  16. 面对西方文化霸权,中国国家文化安全选择是值得关注的。

    The face of Western cultural hegemony , the Chinese national culture security options is a concern .

  17. 第一部分分析国家文化安全问题的提出背景并对其进行界定。

    Part one explores the background against which the State Culture Security issue is advanced and proposes a definition .

  18. 于是,文化安全问题应运而生,我国国家文化安全问题也不可避免的凸现出来。

    Thus , cultural safety issues have emerged , the problem of our national cultural security is inevitably exposed .

  19. 维护和加强国家文化安全对于保障国家安全、促进社会经济发展、增强社会凝聚力、保护人类文化多样性都具有非常重要的意义。

    It has great significant to maintain and strengthen the cultural security of a nation , especially in current China .

  20. 随着全球化的日益深入,国家文化安全问题愈显突出。

    With the increasing development of the globalization , the safety problem of the national culture is more outstanding than before .

  21. 第四:提出文化全球化背景下针对国家文化安全问题应采取的措施。

    Fourthly : the measures to be taken in allusion to national cultural security in the cultural globalization contex is brought forward .

  22. 对国民特别是青年大学生进行国家文化安全教育刻不容缓。

    Therefore , it is urgent to carry out a cultural security education to our national people , especially the university students .

  23. 在全球化、网络化时代,我国的国家文化安全面临着新的挑战。

    In the era of globalization and Inter - net , the security of culture in our country is faced with new challenges .

  24. 儿童的发展是国家文化安全的重要内容并且与国家的文化安全互为表里,相互印证。

    Children development is one of the most important contents of security of culture and still mutually outside and inside , mutually verifies .

  25. 浙江民间艺术的生存与发展对于人类文化多样性的保持和国家文化安全的保障具有重要意义。

    The survival and development of Zhejiang Folk Art is important to the maintenance of human cultural diversity and the indemnity of national culture security .

  26. 国家文化安全是近年来随着时代的发展开始为各国所关注的。

    In recent years , with the development of the new age , the State Culture Security has come to the attention of every country .

  27. 树立正确的安全意识,积极参与世界文化建设并使中华民族优秀传统文化得到发展是维护中国国家文化安全的重要使命。

    Rearing right security consciousness , actively joining in global culture construction and developing ethnic traditional culture are vital tasks for keeping national culture security .

  28. 试图以国家文化安全战略来建构和平发展时代中国国家文化战略的国家文化安全理论等等。

    Constructs the Chinese national culture security strategy under the background of peace development era through the theory of culture security strategy , and so on .

  29. 代表性研究成果有《文化政策学》、《文化产业发展与国家文化安全》、《中国国家文化安全论》。

    His main interests are in the Cultural Strategy and Management , Theories and Policies of Cultural Industries , National Cultural Security , Cultural Politics and System .

  30. 中国在社会主义现代化建设的进程中,相较于西方国家文化安全的理论研究与现实发展,文化安全建设稍显滞后,面临着较大的威胁与挑战。

    In comparison with theory research and objective developing of western country , it is lagged of China cultural safe building . It faces threats and challenge .