
ɡuó jì yǔ
  • international language;international auxiliary language
  1. 最国际语最经典的交融,最时尚与最传统的汇聚

    The international language most classic blend , the most fashionable and most traditional together

  2. 在不同的文化背景下,通过分析在非母语情况下对比中日英语学习者表达拒绝方式的异同,来讨论英语作为国际语的可行性。

    Thus , the results are to compare the realization of refusal expressions of different learners of English in different cultural backgrounds , and the feasibility of English as an international language is discussed .

  3. 国际语学和计划语言

    Interlinguistics and Planned Languages

  4. 国际语在1924年与1951年之间发展起来的一种人工语言,以罗曼诸语言为基础,旨在促进科学家之间进行国际交流。

    An artificial language developed between1924and1951 , based mainly on the romance languages and intended as a medium of international communication among scientists .

  5. 一种被应用为国际语的辅助语言的人工语言;一般基于单词。

    An artificial language proposed for use as an auxiliary international language ; based on words common to English and the Romance language .

  6. 英语是财务金融和会计的国际通用语。

    English is the international language of finance and accountancy .

  7. 论太平洋地区国际共通语的选定

    On Selection of the International Language Applicable to All in the Area of the Pacific Ocean

  8. 英语作为一门国际通用语,在21世纪已经向着多元化、多功能化的方向发展。

    English , as an international language , has now become a multicultural and multifunctional language in the 21st century .

  9. 随着全球化进程不断地深入和加快,英语已经成为名符其实的世界语或国际通用语,在国际交流中扮演着日益重要的角色。

    With the rapid pace of globalization , English has become the global language or international language which is playing an increasingly important role in international communication .

  10. 人们通常会把英语当作一种国际通用语。在沟通、贸易、娱乐,以及任何人类涉足的领域几乎都会用到它。

    English is most commonly used as an international language in communications , business , and entertainment and almost in every other area where human intervention is seen .

  11. 很多英国人把自己的语言视为一种国粹,他们为自己的语言早已成为一种国际通用语而感到骄傲。

    Many Englishmen regard their language as a nation 's cultural heritage and feel proud that it has already been taken as an internationally used language for over a century .

  12. 在以多元化和国际化为特色的21世纪,英语作为国际交际语在各种文化交流中扮演着最为活跃的角色。

    In the 21st century with the development of diversity and internationalization , English plays more and more active role in the exchange of various languages as the international communication .

  13. 二战后,美国英语通过政治、经济、文化及移民传播途径扩张到全世界,美国英语极有可能取代英国英语成为国际通用语。

    After World War II , AmE spread to the whole world by politics , economy , culture and immigration . AmE will be very likely to replace BrE as a world lingua franca .

  14. 英语在当今世界交往中起到了暂时国际辅助语的作用,但由于民族语的局限、英语变体的存在,使英语不可能满足世界范围的交际需要。

    Now English plays a role of international common language in world communication . But because of the limits of national language and because of the existence of different changes of English , it cannot meet the needs of worldwide communication .

  15. 社会的发展与变革必然引起语言的发展变化,并给语言注入新的文化内涵,新的表达方式和新的思想,作为国际通用语的英语更是如此。

    The development and change of the society caused the development and change of language , and injected new language cultural connotation , new expression way and new ideas , English , as an international language , is even more so .

  16. 国际医学世界语协会泛美兽医学和畜牧学协会

    Pan-American Association of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics

  17. 21世纪是全球信息化蓬勃发展的时代,英语已成为当今地球村国际的通用语,英语教学已经成为跨文化教育最重要和最直接的手段。

    The 21st century is a global information technology boom era . English has become the international lingua franca of the global village , as such intercultural education should be of the utmost important .

  18. 世界非体力劳动者工会联合国际铁路职工世界语学者联合会

    World Federation of Trade Unions of Non-Manual Workers International Federation of Esperantist Railwaymen

  19. 国际农业专家世界语学者同盟

    International League of Agricultural Specialists - Esperantists

  20. 尽管如此,即便在北京这样的国际大都市,公示语的翻译仍然极为不规范,甚至错误百出。

    This notwithstanding , even in a cosmopolitan city like Beijing , public sign translation is still non-standard , even full of mistakes .

  21. 词汇用法上的问题主要表现在汉字词的翻译、缩写词的翻译、国际新闻中称呼语的翻译等方面。

    As to the problems in vocabulary , it mainly embodies through the Chinese version of Chinese-character-words , abbreviations , addresses in international news , etc.

  22. 近30多年来,语类研究一直是语言学界话语研究中的一个热点,特别是对国际期刊论文的语类分析。

    In the past three decades , genre analysis has been a major concern of discourse studies with a particular emphasis on international academic journal articles .

  23. 国际法语大学报刊协会国际法学家世界语协会

    International Association of French-Language University Presses

  24. 国际商业法和惯例学社国际法学家世界语协会

    Institute of International Business Law and Practices

  25. 随着全球化的发展,国际交往日益频繁,英语作为国际通用语的地位进一步加强,其重要性进一步显现。

    With the development of the globalization and the increasing international communication , English as an international language plays a more important role in the development of the society .

  26. 信息时代的到来和国际交往的日益频繁已使英语获得了国际通用语的重要地位。

    The coming of the information era and the increasing of international intercourses make English a language worldwide accepted .

  27. 随着信息时代的到来和国际交往的日益频繁,英语已经获得了国际通用语的重要地位,在国际交流中也起到了越来越重要的作用。

    With the coming of the information era and the flaming of the international communication , the English language has already made itself become a lingua franca . At the same time , it is playing a more and more important role in the international stage .