
  • 网络Haitian Creole;Haitian
  1. 卡内基梅隆大学即刻发表了海地克里奥尔语口语及文字资料,以及志愿开发生产网络只不过是长周末更是粗糙的准备海地克里奥尔语机器翻译系统。

    Carnegie Mellon University instantly released its Haitian Creole spoken and text data , and a network of volunteer developers produced a rough-and-ready machine translation system for Haitian Creole in little more than a long weekend .

  2. WeFarm拥有一个翻译国际答案的志愿者网络,例如从一位用英文或斯瓦希里语答复的肯尼亚农户到一位说西班牙语的秘鲁农户,还可以提供法语和海地克里奥尔语的解答。

    WeFarm has a network of volunteer translators for international answers - say from a Kenyan farmer replying in English or Swahili to a Spanish-speaking one in Peru - and can also provide answers in French and Haitian Creole .

  3. 她开始说海地克里奥尔语。

    She begins speaking in the Creole of Haiti .

  4. 当海地是由1月份的地震,救援队在灾区倒在破碎的岛屿,说几十种语言-但不是海地克里奥尔语。

    When Haiti was devastated by an earthquake in January , aid teams poured in to the shattered Island , speaking dozens of languages - but not Haitian Creole .