
hǎi yánɡ pén dì
  • ocean basin
  1. 正如人类,虎鲸也聚居在全球许多不同的栖息地,占据着地球上的每一处海洋盆地,其王国从南极延伸至北极。

    Like humans , killer whales have colonized a range of different habitats across the globe , occupying every ocean basin on the planet , with an empire that extends from pole to pole .

  2. 为了监测海洋盆地,用海洋声层析技术测量布设在环绕盆地的站之间声传播时间并运用逆运算来推断温度及流速场。

    For monitoring the ocean basin the ocean acoustical tomography technique measures the sound travel time between stations placed around the basin and uses inverse calculation to infer to temperatare and current field .

  3. 这种差别解释了大陆和海洋盆地存在的原因。

    The difference accounts for the existence of continents and ocean basins .

  4. 南秦岭泥盆纪:周缘前陆盆地和新生海洋盆地并列

    South Qinling in the devonian : juxtaposition of peripheral foreland basins and new-born oceanic basins

  5. 板块运动理论的一个关键点就是在地质历史的尺度内,海洋盆地的开合是因为板块转换,具有转换特征。

    A key aspect of plate tectonic theory is that on geologic time scales ocean basins are transient features , opening and closing as plates shift .

  6. 古陆碰撞继之为海洋盆地关闭、山脉隆起和前陆盆地巨厚碎屑岩系的堆积。

    Closure of oceanic basins , uplift of mountain ranges , and accumulation of thick terrigenous clastic sediments in the foreland basin resulted from collision between continental margins .

  7. 板块构造运动,这个一直被认为是创造地球大陆,山脉和海洋盆地的地质过程,很可能是一种分分合合的特殊事件。

    Plate tectonics , the geologic process responsible for creating the Earth 's continents , mountain ranges , and ocean basins , may be an on-again , off-again affair .

  8. 于是人们想出很多个解释方法,其中有一个认为,地球本是一个十分光滑圆整的球,而海洋盆地则是地球不断扩张产生的裂缝。

    Various ideas were put forward to explain this , including the idea that the ocean basins were rifts that opened in the surface of a previously smooth Earth as it expanded .

  9. 放射虫研究在确定该区蛇绿岩的形成时代、解释造山带复杂的地层层序以及揭示印度板块与欧亚板块在古近纪碰撞之前的古海洋盆地的演化历史等方面发挥了重要作用。

    Radiolaria have played an important role in determining formation time of the ophiolites and in interpreting the complicated stratigraphy and evolutionary history of the oceanic basins before the Indian block collided with the southern margin of the Eurasian plate in early Cenozoic time .

  10. 中国早古生代三大古海洋及其对盆地的控制

    Three PALEO-OCEANS in the early Paleozoic and their control to basins in China