
  • 网络craton basin;cratonic basin
  1. 全面系统地总结并提出塔里木盆地10大石油地质基本特征:(1)塔里木盆地为一古生界克拉通盆地与中新生界前陆盆地组成的大型叠合复合型盆地;

    Tarim Basin is a superimposed and composite basin of numerous proto type basins combosed of the Paleozoic cratonic basins and Meso Cenozoic foreland basins .

  2. 克拉通盆地旋回性沉积记录与成因岩石地层学

    Records of cyclic sedimentation and genetic lithostratigraphy in Craton Basin

  3. 中国克拉通盆地油气成藏特点和勘探思路

    Oil and gas accumulation in craton basins of China and exploration strategy

  4. 塔里木盆地志留-泥盆系克拉通盆地气候层序发育模式研究

    Study on Development of Climate Sequence Model in Silurian-Devonian System of Tarim Basin

  5. 三大克拉通盆地(塔里木盆地、四川盆地和鄂尔多斯盆地);

    Three large cratonic hasins ( Tarim basin , Sichuan basin and Junggar basin );

  6. 克拉通盆地的地层层序格架&以贵阳乌当奥陶系为例

    Framework of Stratigraphical Sequence in Craton Basins An Example from Ordovician System in Wudang , Guiyang

  7. 泥盆纪时期,微板块主体处于稳定的小型克拉通盆地背景。

    During the Devonian , the bulk of it was in a stable small cratonic basin .

  8. 鄂尔多斯是一个非常稳定的克拉通盆地,深部流体一直被认为是禁区。

    Ordos is a very stable intracratonic basin that is considered as a prohibited place for deep fluids .

  9. 单型盆地的原型可以划分为克拉通盆地、拉张盆地和挤压盆地。

    The prototypes of the monotype basins can further be divided into craton basins , extensional basins and compressional basins .

  10. 鄂尔多斯盆地为稳定克拉通盆地,在三叠系延长组发育大型湖泊&三角洲相沉积。

    Ordos basin is stable craton basin , developed large lake , delta deposition in YanChang formation of Triassic system .

  11. 盆地普遍经历:(1)寒武&志留纪,各自漂离于大洋中的小型克拉通盆地;

    These basins commonly underwent four tectonic evolution stages : ① Micro-craton plates floating in the ocean separately during Cambrian to Silurian ;

  12. 其盆地地温梯度比主动裂谷盆地低,而比克拉通盆地高。

    The geothermal gradient in Muglad Basin is lower than that in active rift basin and higher than that in cratonic basin .

  13. 克拉通盆地的油气资源丰富,但油气田规模多为中、小型;

    Although this kind of basins are abundant in hydrocarbon resources , most of the fields are small or middle in scale .

  14. 四川盆地是典型的经历了多期构造演化过程的克拉通盆地,在其多套沉积层序中富含天然气,天然气的开发利用历史悠久。

    The Sichuan Basin is a kind of classic cratonic basin having undergone multistage evolution , and is rich of gas resources in the different sets of sedimentary sequences .

  15. 鄂尔多斯盆地油气资源非常丰富,是经过多期构造运动叠合而形成的残余克拉通盆地。

    Ordos basin , which is rich in oil and gas resources , is a residual cratonic basin formed by the result of the superimposed tectonic movements in different period .

  16. 长期以来,多数研究者认为鄂尔多斯盆地为稳定的克拉通盆地,盆地内部不发育断裂。

    The Ordos basin has been being thought as a stable craton basin for a long time by many Chinese researchers , in which none of the faults were developed yet .

  17. 克拉通盆地的油气勘探已经有上百年的历史,事实证明这种类型盆地是油气赋存的主要盆地类型。

    The hydrocarbon exploration for the cratonic basin has had a history more than one hundred years . And the fact shows that cratonic basin is one of the important hydrocarbon-bearing basins .

  18. 鄂尔多斯为我国第二大内陆沉积盆地,是大型多旋回克拉通盆地,内部构造运动微弱,油气资源丰富。

    As the second largest basin of China , Ordos Basin is a large multi-cycle cratonic basin , within which the tectonic movement is weak and the oil & gas resources are rich .

  19. 塔西南前陆盆地是古生代克拉通盆地与中、新生代前陆盆地的复合,在剖面上呈向北抬升的箕状结构。华北古生代克拉通盆地南部原生油气藏勘探前景

    The southwest foreland basins in Tarim Basin is composed of Paleozoic basins and the Meso Cenozoic foreland basins . Prospects of exploring Palaeozoic primary oil and gas pools in southern area of North China cratonic basin

  20. 依后者,可分为克拉通盆地、褶皱带盆地、继承性盆地、裂陷盆地、断陷盆地、陆缘盆地和侵蚀盆地等七种。

    On tye basis of the latter , it is devided into craton basin , fold basin , succeed basin , crack basin , fault basin , epicontinental basin , erosion basin , total together seven types .

  21. 克拉通盆地天然气成藏的主要控制因素为:巨厚的烃源岩、长期的低地温背景是长期生烃、多期成藏的重要条件;

    The main factors that control the gas accumulation in the cratonic basin are ( 1 ) thick source rocks and prolonged low-geotemperature field , which are an important conditions for prolonged hydrocarbon generation and multiphase gas accumultion ;

  22. 含油气盆地除活动大陆边缘盆地外,其余内克拉通盆地已经消失,前陆盆地和裂谷盆地也都与世界典型的盆地有区别,可称为中国式的。

    With an exception of the active continental margin basins , the intra-cratonic basins had disappeared , and the foreland basins and rift basins were different from others in the world , so they can be called China-type basins .

  23. 海绿石质凝缩层-克拉通盆地层序地层划分对比的关键&华北寒武系凝缩层的特征和含义天津蓟县剖面中元古界铁岭组叠层石岩礁中海绿石的产出特征及地质意义

    Glauconitic Condensed Sections ( CS ): The Key to Correlation Of Sequence Stratigraphy in the Craton Basin ── Characteristics and Implication of the Cambrian Condensed Section of North China Geological Characteristics and Significance of Glauconites in Stromatolite Rock-Reef of Mesoproterozoic Tieling Formation in Jixian County

  24. 克拉通内盆地研究中的几个重要问题

    Some important problems on intracratonic basin study

  25. 早古生代处于克拉通边缘盆地环境,不同类型原型盆地充填各种沉积序列,形成各类油气系统和评价单元。

    Various types of prototype basins filled in different sedimentary sequences , forming various types of hydrocarbon systems and evaluation units .

  26. 由纯剪切机制及简单剪切机制引起的大陆岩石圈减薄分别形成内克拉通裂谷盆地和内克拉通拆离盆地;

    Both the pure shear and simple shear can thin the continental lithosphere and produce interior cratonicrift basins and supradetachment basins , respectively .

  27. 中生代鄂尔多斯盆地为叠加在早、晚古生代华北克拉通大型盆地之上,历经多期不同形式改造的残留克拉通内盆地。

    The Mesozoic Ordos basin is a residual interior cratonic basin that superimposed on the Palaeozoic large North China craton and experienced multistaged deformation by different styles .

  28. 密执根盆地是北美大陆上一近圆形的大盆地,具巨厚层沉积物,构造作用简单,属于稳定的克拉通内部盆地。

    Michigan basin , a stable craton basin is a huge round basin in North American Continent where the sediment is rather thick , however the structure is very simple .

  29. 在中元古代时期,本区自北而南、自东而西由克拉通边缘盆地演变为陆缘拗陷盆地(南部)和陆间裂谷盆地(西部);

    During mid Proterozoic , the Panxi area of Sichuan Province evolved from cratonic margin basin downwarping basin in the continent margin ( south ) or intercontinental rift basin ( west ) .

  30. 由于这4类盆地的地温梯度、演化和改造程度不同,它们的含油气远景差别很大,其中以克拉通周边盆地最有希望。

    Due to the difference in geothermal gradient , basin evolution and modification among the four types of basins , oil and gas assessment may differ greatly among various type of basins , of which the craton marginal basins are most perspective .