
  • 网络ocean-atmosphere heat exchange
  1. 北太平洋中纬度地区海气热交换场的EOF分析

    EOF analysis of air-sea heat exchanges in middle latitudes over the North Pacific

  2. 副热带环流源区冬季海气热交换的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Air-sea Heat Exchange in the Subtropical Circulation Origin Region during the Winter

  3. 中太平洋西部赤道附近天气与海气热交换关系的初步分析

    A preliminary analysis of the relations between weather and air-sea heat interchange near West equator in the central Pacific Ocean

  4. 发现海冰的种类、分布、冰厚等变化对海气热交换都有重要影响。

    The study shows that the kinds , distribution and thickness of sea ice significantly influence the sea air heat exchange .

  5. 通过对粒子的拉格朗日追踪研究了渤海冬季与夏季环流及潮、风、海气热交换和入海径流对渤海环流的影响。

    The circulation of Bohai Sea during winter and summer and their relations between tides , wind , river discharge as well as the heat flux were studied by means of Lagrangian trajectory .

  6. 印度洋海气热通量交换研究

    The Air-Sea Heat Flux Exchange in the Indian Ocean

  7. 海-气间湍流热通量是研究海气相互作用的重要课题,深刻理解海气间湍流热交换有助于进一步耦合大气海洋模式,也有助于进一步研究海洋热量和淡水收支等科学问题。

    The sea surface turbulent heat fluxes , as the key subjects of air-sea interaction , are very important for understanding the coupled atmosphere-ocean models and oceanic heat and freshwater budget .