
  • 网络seaside hotel;Sea Side Hotel;Beachfield Hotel;Hotel Sea Shore Inn
  1. 在我们离开一家海边酒店15分钟后,那里就发生了枪战。

    Fifteen minutes after we left one beachfront hotel , a firefight erupted outside .

  2. (有一次)我住在加州一家漂亮的海边酒店----你会觉得那是一个田园风景点。

    I stayed in a beautiful hotel right on the beach in California -- an idyllic spot , you would think .

  3. 今天,著名男演员吴奇隆和女演员刘诗诗的婚礼在印度尼西亚巴厘岛的一个海边酒店举行。

    The wedding ceremony of actor Nicky Wu and actress Liu Shishi is now in progess at a seaside hotel in Bali , Indonesia .

  4. 不管是在海边还是酒店,都可以看到这一仪式。

    The event can be seen from the beach or the hotel .

  5. 对于附近城市的居民来说,这个海边度假酒店是很好的度假地。

    EXAMPLE : The seaside resort is a popular getaway for people from nearby cities .

  6. 帝豪大酒店建立在浩瀚的海边,酒店与海景相得益彰,具有很强的吸引力、号召力和很好的发展前景。

    Dihao Grant Hotel was built on the beautiful seaside in where the seascape makes it have a fascinating attraction and fine prospects for development .

  7. 举例来说,坐落在海边的香港洲际酒店(InterContinentalhotel)中有四家环境优雅的餐厅,各自都聘请了两位侍酒师。

    The four elegant restaurants in the InterContinental hotel on the Hong Kong waterfront , for example , employ two sommeliers each .