
  • 网络Major events;mega event
  1. 分析发现,Li离子在晶胞内有更大活动空间,共价性很强。

    It is found that Li ions have more space to move , and its covalency is very strong .

  2. 中国盆地形成的三大活动构造历史阶段

    Three stages of tectonic movements in formation of petroliferous basins in China

  3. 在上海总是有大量的人潮通勤上班,以及参加大活动。

    In Shanghai there are always tremendous crowds commuting to work and going to major events .

  4. 世界上最受喜爱的两大活动,足球和双关语成为本周新闻。

    Two of the world 's favorite activities soccer and wordplay are in the news this week .

  5. 在中国,有关应该给民间援助团体留下多大活动余地的问题受到热烈讨论。

    The debate over how much leeway to give private aid groups is an important one for China .

  6. 太阳23周活动上升期的4个大活动区概述

    A Brief Introduction to the Four Important Action Regions in the Rising Period of the 23rd Solar Cycle

  7. 而其不同于其他校区的地方在于&设计了三大活动区域以及一个很大的露台。

    What differentiate the Shapingba campus from all other campuses are the large three activity areas and one spacious balcony .

  8. 文化部副部长杨志金说,今年的春节也是一个全球性的大活动。

    Vice Minister of Culture Yang Zhijin says this year 's Spring Festival is also going to be a global affair .

  9. 论元杂剧四大活动中心的形成与金元汉人世侯之关系

    Relationship between the Formation of the Four Major Centers of Yuan Zaju and the Han Marquis in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties

  10. 因此结论是:在一件大活动之前去做头发时她甚至不会为一个沙龙而驻足。

    And get this : She doesn 't even stop by a salon while traveling to get her hair done before a big event .

  11. 股利分配与投资活动、筹资活动并称为财务管理的三大活动,一直以来都受到来自企业内外部各方的关注。

    Dividend policy combined with investment and financing is deemed to be three parts of financial management , which has been concerned by the public for a long time .

  12. 公司理财的三大活动为投资、筹资和收益分配,而股利政策是上市公司有关决策的一个重要方面。

    The three major financial activities of listed companies can be classified as investment , fund raising and profit distribution , and dividend policy is a key aspect of profit distribution .

  13. 一般来说,大活动量活动、短时间活动和快速迸发力活动都能起到增肥效果,也是欲减肥的人最应忌讳的。

    Generally speaking , activity events , short-term events and activities can play a quick burst of power fertilization effect , but also those who most want to lose weight should be taboo .

  14. 这一比例甚至高于其它三个最受欢迎活动的比例之和。这三大活动分别是:与朋友闲聊(18%),逛街(9%)和参观博物馆(6%)。

    That was more than the next three highest options combined & gossiping with friends ( 18 percent ), window shopping ( nine percent ) and going to a museum ( six percent ) .

  15. 在中国,有关应该给民间援助团体留下多大活动余地的问题受到热烈讨论。其他国家的一些案例令中国当局一直以来都担心,国内外慈善团体可能转变为具有政治倾向的激进组织,或者可能令政府招致更多批评。

    The debate over how much leeway to give private aid groups is an important one for China . Authorities have long feared that domestic and international charitable groups could morph into political activism or foster more criticism of the government , as they have in other countries .

  16. 发现1988年以来,中国陆区的7级以上地震都发生在GPS测量所给出最大剪切应变率差异大的活动地块的边界带和现今滑动速率大的活动地块的边界断裂上。

    As a result , earthquakes ( M S ≥ 7.0 ) on the Chinese mainland since 1988 all occurred on boundary zones of active crustal | blocks with high slipping speed .

  17. 自然资源企业看起来有更大的活动余地达成交易,正如中国铝业公司投资自然资源巨头力拓(RioTinto)所显示的。

    And natural resources companies appear to have wide leeway to make deals , as Chinalco 's bid to invest in natural resources giant Rio Tinto shows .

  18. 那样我们就能获得Knott的浆果农场和大冒险活动的演出了。

    Then we 'll get Knott 's Berry and Great Adventure .

  19. 方法:采用限制大鼠活动空间的方法,建立慢性心理应激反应模型。放射免疫法检测βEP和ACTH。

    Methods : To establish the chronic psychological stress model by bandaging rat and confining its activity space and detect the contents of β - EP and ACTH by RIA .

  20. Widjaja是南大电子活动俱乐部前主席。

    Widjaja was a former president of the NTU Electronic Sports Club .

  21. 大尺度活动越活跃(rwT越小),MOST适用性就越差,反之则越好。

    The applicability of MOST was worse when the large-eddy movement was more active ( rwT is smaller ), otherwise was better .

  22. TMap执行阶段的剩余活动可以放在测试和评价中,和规格说明的大多少活动一样。

    The remaining activities from the TMap phase Execution can be placed under Test and Evaluate , as can most of the activities from Specification .

  23. 结论SED可引发实验大鼠活动习性改变、警觉水平增高、环境适应能力下降,以及短暂空间学习和记忆能力受损。

    Conclusions The SED rats displayed the significant abnormalities of cognitive behaviors as the substantial changes of behavioral habits , increased anxiety and defense , enhanced startle and delayed habituation to environment , and transitory spatial learning and memory impairment .

  24. 据Pinlive网店的负责人罗宾•岳表示,两周前,Pinlive开展了欧洲杯大促销活动,所有出售的啤酒都打出了7-8折的优惠价。

    It started a promotion for the tournament two weeks ago by selling beer at discounts of 20 to 30 percent , said Robin Yue , who is responsible for operating Pinlive 's online store .

  25. 据Pinlive网店的负责人罗宾岳表示,两周前,Pinlive开展了欧洲杯大促销活动,所有出售的啤酒都打出了7-8折的优惠价。

    It started a promotion for the tournament two weeks ago by selling beer at discounts of 20 to 30 percent , said Robin Yue , who is responsible for operating Pinlive ` s online store .

  26. 泛论齐国五大音乐活动中心

    A Brief Discussion of the Five Music Centers in Qi State

  27. 天文因子与中国大地震活动趋势预测

    Astronomical Factors and Activity Tendency of the Major Earthquake in China

  28. 2002年北京市西城区健康教育大课堂活动效果评价

    Effectiveness of Large Classroom Activity 2002 in Xicheng District , Beijing

  29. 论大震活动的序列性与续发性

    Discussion on the sequencing and continuity of large earthquake activity

  30. 云南地区大震活动规律研究

    Study of the seismicity of strong earthquakes in Yunnan area