
  • 网络cybele;the Great Mother
  1. 这种对蛇又敬又畏的矛盾心理的根源,可以追溯到流行于众多民族中的大母神信仰:大母神向来具有正负双重神格,蛇正是女神的象征。

    This kind of contradictory can be traced back to the dual characteristic of Great Mother , and snake is just the symbol of goddess .

  2. 这一部分借鉴埃利希·伊曼《大母神:原型分析》的原型理论来分析长女形象。

    The archetype theory from " The Great Mother : An Analysis the Archetype " written by Erich Neumann has been used to analysis firstborn daughter 's images .

  3. 夏娃·匹斯是上帝和大母神这两个神话原型的移用。

    Eva Peace is the displacement of the archetype of God and the Great Mother .

  4. 大母神及俄底浦斯情结&对劳伦斯《儿子与情人》的神话原型批评

    Affection for Odipuse & A Criticism of Mythology on Sort and His Lover by David Lawrence

  5. 另一方面,月亮对于夜空大母神而言,是她的精神象征。

    On the other hand , the writer regarded the moon as the spiritual symbol of the moon .

  6. 这篇论文从大母神原型这一视角审视比较《奇异的插曲》和《聊斋志异》中的女性人物形象。

    These female characters are analyzed with the theory of archetypal Great Mother , which is an image prevalent in human history .

  7. 作者通过对西南少数民族星辰崇拜的逻辑论证,得出了这样的认识规律:夜空大母神是一切光明之源,她向宇宙空间释放一切光线,生命因光线得以存在。

    According to the logical demonstration to the worship of stars , the writer drew a principle like this , the Nocturnal Mother is the source of light , she releases all the lights as the forms of lives .

  8. 从历时的角度看,水的原型意义植根于史前宗教的大母神崇拜,女性意义居推原性的地位,生命意义和道的意义不过是它的置换变形。

    From the diachronic perspective , the archetypal meanings of water are planted deeply in the adoration of The Great Mother in the prehistoric religion . The female meaning lies in the original position and gradually produces the meaning of life and Tao .