
  • 网络The Boy Next Door
  1. 他可靠、坦率,是邻家男孩那种类型。

    He was dependable , straightforward , the boy next door

  2. 詹妮弗·洛佩兹出演电影“邻家男孩”今天艾伦会撇清所有的谣言

    Jennifer Lopez . " The Boy Next Door " costar.Today , Ellen clears up all the rumors .

  3. 凯夫后来去了墨尔本的一所寄宿学校,和一伙坏孩子们混在一起,他们多少控制了学校的艺术系,很快就组了一支名叫“邻家男孩”(theBoysNextDoor)的乐队。

    Cave ended up at a boarding school in Melbourne , where he fell in with a crew of degenerates in training who had more or less taken over the school 's art department , and they soon founded a band , the Boys Next Door .

  4. 在5月份的一次电视访谈中,他们表现出了邻家男孩的普通性。

    Appearing together in May in a TV interview , they showed their boys-next-door normality .

  5. 我是一个邻家男孩。

    I was a neighborhood child .

  6. 是个非常完美性格也很好的邻家男孩而渐渐地他对她越来越迷恋

    And a perfect , nice guy , boy next door And he becomes , kind of obsessed with her .

  7. 詹妮弗·洛佩兹主演“邻家男孩”电影是关于一个“邻家男孩”-是的

    Jennifer Lopez in " The Boy Next Door . " So it 's " The Boy Next Door . " - It is .

  8. 纳达尔在赛场上像一头愤怒的公牛,在场下却是个羞涩的邻家男孩。这判若两人的表现让不太常常用到他的人们有些惊讶。

    The contrast between the raging bull that is Nadal on court and the almost sheepish boy next door still surprises those who do not follow Nadal regularly .

  9. 随着环球影片公司的《速度与激情7》登上全球各大院线。,身为主演,保罗的海报登上了世界各地的广告牌。海报中邻家男孩豪华版的保罗目光犀利。

    As Universal Picture 's " Fast & Furious 7 " is expected to screech out of the blocks across the globe , the star stares down from billboards everywhere , a deluxe model of boy-next-door appeal .

  10. 大厨鲍比·秦:每个人都有自己的风格,吉米·奥利弗善于营造邻家男孩的形象,他亲切且知识丰富,善于烹调非常简单的食物,大家都喜欢他。

    BOBBY CHINN , CHEF : You know each one has their idiosyncrasies . You know , Jamie Oliver 's very good at being the guy next door and being sweet and being very knowledgeable and cooking very simple food , and everybody loves Jamie .

  11. 希兰从未想过成为别人,他一直在做自己——一个看似普通的邻家大男孩。

    He doesn 't try to be anything but himself - an average boy next door .

  12. 我们找出了爸爸的《花花公子》杂志,让邻家的男孩们付费观看。

    We found our dad 's Playboys and charged the neighborhood boys money to look at them .