
  • 网络norman
  1. 诺尔曼切开自己的派,往里面挤了点番茄酱。

    Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it

  2. 执政的旧英国贵族让位给忠实而且富有的诺尔曼贵族(温斯顿S.丘吉尔)

    The old English nobility of office made way for the Norman nobility of faith and landed wealth ( Winston S.Churchill )

  3. 事实上除了最后一个词surrender(投降)来自诺尔曼法语外,其它每个词都来自古英语。

    Virtually every one of those words came from Old English , except the last & surrender , which came from Norman French .

  4. 甚至连蛋挞这一名字也有着古老的渊源&蛋挞来源于酥皮(crust)的法语词crouste和盎格鲁诺尔曼语词crustarde,crustarde意思是带酥皮的蔬菜、水果或肉馅饼。

    Even the name has an ancient pedigree - it is derived from both the old French word for crust ( crouste ), and the Anglo-Norman ' crustarde ', which meant a tart or pie with a crust .

  5. 征服者威廉是英格兰第一位诺尔曼人国王。

    William the conqueror was the first Norman king of england .

  6. 几分钟以后,诺尔曼?格兰奇登登地沿着游廊走了过来。

    In a few minutes Norman Grange stamped along the veranda .

  7. 这是丹麦人和诺尔曼人的习俗。

    It 's the way the Danes and the Normans did .

  8. 他们甚至打电话请警察帮助寻找诺尔曼。

    They had even called the police to help look for him .

  9. 他对面是亚瑟和他的哥哥诺尔曼。

    Opposite him was arthur , and arthur 's brother , norman .

  10. 换句话说,诺尔曼是很独立很有主见的。

    To put it another way , Norman was @ independent @ .

  11. 诺尔曼和纽巴瑞一定会觉得他们的钱值了。

    Neuman and Newberry will certainly be getting their money 's worth .

  12. 黑斯廷斯战役导致了诺尔曼人对英格兰的征服。

    The battle of Hastings led to the Norman Conquest of england .

  13. 诺尔曼人在1066年征服了英格兰人。

    The English were conquered by the Normans in1066 .

  14. 每周只有星期三一次航班飞诺尔曼顿和威尔斯汤。

    The air service to Normanton and Willstown ran weekly on a Wednesday .

  15. 他的家族可追溯到诺尔曼人征服英国的时代。

    His family goes back to the time of the Norma Conquest of Britain .

  16. 诺尔曼和亚瑟懂得这种语言。

    Norman and Arthur knew that speech .

  17. 他又提出一个问题。诺尔曼不禁笑了。

    Was the next question , which , somehow , brought the laugh on norman .

  18. 诺尔曼洛根对于向他报仇雪恨一事似乎还没有一个谱。

    Norman Logan did n 't seem to know enough about vengeance to get him .

  19. 来自阿林顿的吉姆-诺尔曼就是一位忠实的攀岩爱好者。

    Jim Neumann , a resident of Arlington , Texas , is a long-time rock climber .

  20. 他们还算幸运,那段日子里他们没在家,而是在探望诺尔曼的母亲。

    They were lucky . They 'd been away at the time visiting Norman 's mother .

  21. 就在诺尔曼出生的那一年,横贯加拿大辽阔疆土的第一条铁路完成了。

    The very year of norman 's birth saw completion of the first railroad linking the vast expanse of canada .

  22. 奥尔尼常跟诺尔曼泡在一起,把露丝交给亚瑟和马丁陪伴。对此马丁当然很感激。

    The latter chummed with Norman , throwing Arthur Martin into company with Ruth , for which Martin was duly grateful .

  23. 有一次,诺尔曼要在下午就教育问题在下院发言答辩。

    There was one occasion when Norman was due to make a reply on Education in the House in the early afternoon .

  24. 诺尔曼在多年前靠送报挣过零用钱,现在又去工作挣钱来缴学费。

    Norman , who years before had earned pocket money by delivering newspaper , now went to work to earn his tuition .

  25. 在诺尔曼和金雀王朝统治下,我们民族用共同体爱用的话说得到了改造。

    Our nation was in that favourite Community word " restructured " under Norman and Angevin rule in the eleventh and twelfth centuries .

  26. 约翰•朱利叶斯•诺威奇撰写过不少关于诺尔曼-西西里岛、撒哈拉沙漠、阿陀斯山威尼斯和拜占庭帝国的作品。

    JOHN JULIUS NORWICH is the author of more than a dozen books on Norman Sicily ①, the Sahara , Mount Athos ② and the Venetian and Byzantine empires .

  27. 戴尔-卡内基的《人性的弱点》和诺尔曼-文森特-皮尔《积极思考的威力》会颇受他们的钟爱。

    Dale Carnegie 's , " How to Win Friends and Influence People " and Norman Vincent Peale 's , " The Power of Positive Thinking " have places of honor on your shelf .