
  • 网络Novotel;Novotel Ambassador Busan;Novotel Queenstown Lakeside
  1. 当我在诺富特注册入住时,工作人员非常不合作。

    When I checked in at Novotel , the staffs were very un-cooperating .

  2. 在诺富特,从您的光临直到您的离店,我们会尽最大努力使您感到宾至如归。

    From your arrival to your departure , at Novotel we do our utmost to see that you feel home .

  3. 今年五月戛纳电影节期间,价值数百万美元的珠宝在诺富特酒店被盗。

    In May , millions of dollars in jewels were stolen from the Novotel Hotel during the film festival at Cannes .

  4. 酒店前厅服务质量与顾客满意度分析&以北京诺富特和平宾馆为例

    An Analysis of Service Quality of Front Office in Hotels and Customer Satisfaction & A Case Study of Novotel Peace Beijing Hotel

  5. 优质的服务,近便的机场。新曼谷苏瓦那布呼米机场有很多指示牌指引我们走向诺富特新机场酒店的免费班车。

    There were plenty of signs in the new Suvarnabhumi airport pointing us to the free shuttle for the new Novotel Suvarnabhumi Airport .

  6. 除了理想的地理位置之外,北京诺富特三元酒店配备有高科技设施,致力于打造舒适而无忧的商务之旅。

    In addition to its ideal location , Novotel Beijing Sanyuan is equipped with hi-tech facilities designed to make each business trip comfortable and hassle-free .

  7. 你房间的空气有股霉味儿,还有陈旧的香烟那种浓烈的气味,不过,有空调还是让人很受用的,而且诺富特酒店永远有电。

    The air in your room is musty with the Tang of old cigarettes but the air conditioning is delicious and the Novotel always has electricity .

  8. 三月烟花下扬州,在这个美好的季节里,上海海神诺富特大酒店组织员工游览了扬州著名的景点,此类的活动不但提高了员工的团队意识,也增进了员工之间的感情。

    Spring outings for staff of Novotel Shanghai Atlantis and here the first batch of employees went to Yangzhou for a2 days break to build teamwork and camaraderie .

  9. 拥有308间客房的北京诺富特三元酒店,遵循返璞归真的品牌理念,为每位宾客打造宁静的居住体验和舒适的工作环境。

    Embracing the brand 's philosophy , Designed for Natural Living , the308-room Novotel Beijing Sanyuan is designed to deliver a restful stay and a comfortable work environment .

  10. 在诺富特酒店稀稀落落几个礼品店中的一家,一个漂亮丰满的女店员在你耳边喃喃地说些恭维话,还可以去你的房间提供有偿服务。

    In one of the Novotel 's sparse gift shops , a pretty , chubby salesgirl whispers compliments in your ear and offers to come to your room for a fee .