
wá wɑ liǎn
  • baby face;chubby (or baby) face
  1. 他的脸已不是小时候那副圆圆的娃娃脸了。

    His face had lost its boyish roundness .

  2. 这位长着娃娃脸的首席执行官说,Facebook存在的价值在于给予人们共享的权利,使世界变得更开放,连接更加紧密。

    Facebook 's raison d'tre , says its baby-faced chief executive , is to give people the power to share , in order to make the world more open and connected .

  3. 在马来西亚提到刘特佐,在人们心目中唤起的形象是长着一张娃娃脸、戴着无框眼镜的年轻男子,他身穿宽松的黑色V领衫,手拿一瓶水晶香槟(Cristal),站在一群名人中间。

    To mention Mr. Low in Malaysia is to conjure the image of a baby-faced young man in rimless glasses and a loose black V-neck , holding a magnum of Cristal and surrounded by celebrities .

  4. 这份20页的报告还有另外一个有趣的发现:有着娃娃脸的CEO比长相更成熟的CEO的能力得分要低,收入也往往要低,不过好处是,娃娃脸CEO获得的讨喜评分更高。

    Another interesting finding from the 20-page report : that ' baby-faced ' CEOs received lower ' competence ' scores than more-mature looking CEOs and tended to be paid less , though on the plus side , the baby facers got higher likability ratings .

  5. 按照YTCA组织成员的标准,禁止使用“茶杯”、“特别小”、娃娃脸或类似的术语,是有一定原因的。

    The YTCA 's Code of Ethics precludes the use of the words " teacup "," tiny specialists ", doll faced , or similar terminology by its members , and for good reason .

  6. 你是说娃娃脸冰激凌!

    Oh , you mean w á wa li ă n !

  7. 她原来是个非常漂亮的娃娃脸金发女郎。

    She used to be a really pretty baby-faced blonde .

  8. 我什么也不知道-娃娃脸尼尔森在哪?

    I don 't know anything . Where 's Baby Face Nelson ?

  9. 1934年,银行抢劫犯娃娃脸尼尔森在与联邦调查局的枪战中被击毙。

    Bank robber Baby Face Nelson dies in a shoot-out with the FBI .

  10. 嘴角和眼角增多的皱纹给她那张娃娃脸上增添了个性。

    Increasing wrinkles about her mouth and eyes added character to her cherub face .

  11. 可能是因为我长着一张娃娃脸?

    I guess I have a bady face ?

  12. 是长的娃娃脸,还是本来就不大。

    Originally , I no longer love you , and you want to get married .

  13. 他有一张娃娃脸。

    He has a baby face .

  14. 他的娃娃脸和演讲缺乏威信更是雪上加霜。

    This is not helped by his boyish looks and lack of authority in his delivery .

  15. 长着一张娃娃脸,看起来只有8岁的阿尔菲根本不知道尿布的价钱。

    The baby-faced boy , who looks about eight and doesn 't know the price of nappies .

  16. 娃娃脸我多年的好友尼克是个节目主持人,他就生了一张娃娃脸,没人相信他已经有50岁了。

    ex : My friend Nick has a baby-face and nobody believes he is 50 years old .

  17. 在80年代中末期,就算我长着一张娃娃脸,也能在非连锁贩酒店买到酒。

    In the mid-to-late - " 80s , non-chain liquor stores would sell to my baby face .

  18. 伊莱恩长着一张那么可爱的娃娃脸,但她骂起脏话来可以让你吃不了兜着走!

    Elaine has such a lovely baby face but she can curse like there is no tomorrow .

  19. 汽车在我的视线里消逝了,可我却被她那张娃娃脸征服了。

    The buss was faded away in distance but my mind had been conquered by her doll face .

  20. 最后,站在中间的褐眼德瓦瑞以及长着娃娃脸和一头卷发的潘普鲁使照片完整了。

    Completing the picture , brown-eyedDwari and the baby-faced , curly-haired Paploo , were standing in the middle .

  21. 是啊,你这盹打得有够长的,娃娃脸,你现在看起来还像12岁小屁孩。

    Yeah , that was quite the nap you took there , baby face , and you still look 12 .

  22. 这位来自上海的上班族虽然已经31岁,却还是一张娃娃脸。谈到结婚问题,她表示正处于亲友的巨大压力之下。

    At 31 , the baby-faced office worker from Shanghai is under enormous pressure from family and friends to get married .

  23. 我忘了问,除了娃娃脸,你最喜欢哪种冰激淋?

    Say , I forgot to ask , what 's your favorite kind of ice cream - besides Wa Wa Lian ?

  24. 你在成年人中发现了娃娃脸,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥,特别天真,无助,善良,温暖。

    You find a baby face in an adult , Leonardo DiCaprio , to be particularly naive , helpless , kind and warm .

  25. 帅气的娃娃脸与球场上沉着冷静的作风使韦尔成为数以千计的加拿大青少年的偶像。

    With his boyish good looks and cool determination on the course , Weir has become an idol to thousands of young Canadians .

  26. 谭宇个子不高,长着一张娃娃脸,这些都让已经十六岁的他看起来只有十一二岁。

    Tan 's small stature and baby face make him seem to be eleven or twelve years old , though he is actually sixteen .

  27. 为了明白为什么拥有娃娃脸很棒,首先,我们需要明白当我们看到真正的孩子时,会发生些什么。

    To get to grips with why having a babyface is so great , first we need to understand what happens when we recognise an actual baby .

  28. 接下来,这位有着娃娃脸的领导人正出席平壤一家游乐园的开幕仪式。

    And then , there 's a turn to the surreal , the baby-face leader giggling on a ride of the opening of an amusement park in Pyongyang .

  29. 而具有娃娃脸特征的面孔,如圆脸、大眼、小鼻子及细颊等,一般被视为无能的迹象。

    While , ' babyface features , characterised by a round face , large eyes and a small nose and chin are generally seen as a sign of incompetence .

  30. 在模拟法庭,拥有娃娃脸的人比像本·阿弗莱克的人,更易被判定无罪,他没有娃娃脸。

    And in mock trials , people with baby faces are more likely to be found innocent than people like Ben Affleck , who do not have baby faces .