
wá wɑ qīn
  • the betrothal of a little boy and a little girl arranged by parents of both sides
娃娃亲 [wá wa qīn]
  • [arranged marriage when very young] 旧时男女双方在年幼时由父母订下的亲事

  1. 在已经加入WTO,并步入21世纪的今天,娃娃亲在中国农村仍以不同的方式存在。

    Child Marriage ( wawaqin ) still exists in one way or another in some rural areas of China , even though the time has entered an age of WTO and 21st century .

  2. 原来,姑娘小时候定的娃娃亲,长大了,理所当然要出嫁。

    It turned out that the girl child given Wawa Qin , grow up , of course , to get married .

  3. 订亲仪式一般会持续一年到两年,甚至有些娃娃亲的订亲仪式会持续到两个孩子长到适婚年龄。

    Betrothals generally lasted for a year or two , although child betrothals would last until the children had grown to marriageable age .

  4. 农村人有时甚至会在孩子出生时就订好了娃娃亲,当他们到了青春期,女孩搬去同她的丈夫家人一同居住时,再举行一场正式的仪式。

    Families in villages would betroth their children , at birth sometimes , and have a formal ceremony after both attained puberty , when the girl went to live with her husband 's family .