
  1. 甲午战前的海防经费研究

    A Study on the Coast Defence Funds before the Sino-Japanese War

  2. 本文介绍了晚清海防经费的收支沿革并分析了海防经费支绌的原因。

    This text introduces the evolution of the coast defence funds and analyses the cause of the insufficience of the coast defence funds .

  3. 本文认为,海防经费外临时筹措购船费用对海军发展的推动作用较为有限,甲午战前晚清海军发展的缓慢乃至停滞不前有其历史必然性。

    The influence of raising money provisionally out of the coast defence funds to buy warships was finite and the slow development of the Qing navy was inevitable .