
quán fānɡ wèi wài jiāo
  • All-round diplomacy;all-encompassing diplomacy
  1. 对新时期我国全方位外交战略的再思考

    The Thinking about Our Country 's Omnidirectional Diplomatism Strategem in New Epoch

  2. 全方位外交取得重大进展。

    Major progress was made in all-directional diplomacy .

  3. 实行全方位外交战略;

    Practiced the diplomatic strategy on every side ;

  4. 一是积极推动全方位外交。

    First , vigorously pursue all-round diplomacy .

  5. 最后部分对进一步完善和发展我国的全方位外交战略进行了思考。

    Finally , I think about the perfection and development of the omnidirectional diplomatism strategem .

  6. 试析朝鲜全方位外交

    Analyse All-round Diplomacy of PDR Korea

  7. 这决定了朝鲜推行全方位外交路线的战略性而非策略性。

    The background determines the practice of the policy of multilateral diplomacy is strategic rather than tactical .

  8. 我们将继续坚定地维护国家主权、安全和发展利益,推动全方位外交。

    We will continue to firmly uphold China 's sovereignty , security and development interests and conduct all-round diplomacy .

  9. 我们要在和平共处五项原则基础上加强全方位外交。

    We will strengthen China 's diplomacy in all areas on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence .

  10. 其次要以地区安全为目标,开展全方位外交,牵制美国的台海战略;

    Secondly , we must aim to region safety , and develop omnidirectional diplomacy , to contain US 's stratagem for Taiwan Channel .

  11. 第三部分着重探讨了全方位外交政策的重大理论及现实意义,尤其是在现实上的意义;

    The third part introduce the significance of the theory and reality , especially the significance of practice on dealing with the diplomatic relations .

  12. 我们积极开展全方位外交,与各大国、周边国家和广大发展中国家的对话合作稳步推进。

    We energetically carried out all-round diplomacy , and made steady progress in dialogue and cooperation with major powers , neighboring countries , and developing countries .

  13. 积极开展对外交往与合作,全方位外交取得重大进展,坚定地维护和发展了国家利益。

    We actively promoted exchange and cooperation with other countries , made major progress in conducting diplomacy on all fronts , and resolutely safeguarded and developed China 's interests .

  14. 鉴于所面临的国际、国内形势,印度对其外交战略进行深刻调整,一方面强调全方位外交,另一方面突出外交为经济利益服务。印度对俄外交正是这一调整过程的产物。

    In view of international and domestic conditions , India has regulated its foreign policy by focusing on both comprehensive diplomacy and economic diplomacy , which has shaped India 's significant relations with Russia .

  15. 80年代,中国第二代领导集体强调和平与发展,提出不结盟为特征的独立自主外交,通过发展中美关系及全方位外交关系推动了国内经济建设;

    In the 80 's , the second generation leading collective emphasized " peace and development " and raised " nonaligned policy " . The domestic economic construction was promoted by developing the omnidirectional diplomatic relations .

  16. 以经济安全为核心的安全观是和平与发展的契合点和中国外交的本质内容;以经济外交为核心的全方位外交是和平崛起的路径依赖。

    The new security concept on the basis of economy security is the substantial content of our foreign relations as well as the joint between peace and development , and all-round diplomacy on the basis of economic diplomacy is the main route of China 's peaceful rise .

  17. 开展全方位大国外交,全面维护国家利益。

    General corrosion develop omnidirectional diplomacy and maintenance national benefit .

  18. 第三部分讲述古巴对美国霸权政策的挑战和回应,包括三个方面:坚定社会主义立场,保持政治和社会的稳定;经济上实行改革开放;进行全方位的外交。

    The third part of American hegemony on the Cuban policy challenge and response , including three aspects : socialism political position , and the stability of the society , Economic reform and opening , Carry on the omni-directional diplomacy .

  19. 在局限上指出其思想在对全方位的党际外交鲜为论及、对宽领域的党际外交尚欠认识,某些具体的策略未付实施。

    On the limitation there are three aspects : Seldom touching upon the all-round inter-party diplomacy , little recognization of the wide fields in the inter-party diplomacy , some particular tactics wasn 't brought into practice .

  20. 实用性:全方位与大国平衡外交。

    Fourth , pragmatic : all-direction diplomacy and equilibrium diplomacy among great powers .